Welcome to the GitHub profile of Nanotrasen Representative known as Nikita Chizhov.
This employee knows and used following technologies:
- Languages
- Python
- This language often used as main language for pet projects;
- Also this language was used as main language at Dell Technologies while working as QA Automation Engineer during 2021-2022;
- C++ & C#
- DreamMaker
- Python
- Teamwork and management
- Atlassian Trello
- Atlassian Jira
- Atlassian Confluence
- Miro
- Version Control
- Git
- GitHub
- GitLab
- Git
- Game Engines
- UE4/5
- Unity3d
- IDEs
- JetBrains Products
- VS Code
Also, this user have a couple of Raspberry Pi with following services:
- In-house file hosting
- FoundryVTT for TRPGs
- FM & Web Radio
Currently, employee interested in following areas of study:
- Game Development
- Neural Networks
- Rendering
- Video Editing
This bio checked and verified by responsible Nanotrasen HR Supervisor.
Carrier Commander, Ksenia Kuznetzova
NEC Egress, Minagnaiwa
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