Closed issues:
- Class 'atk4\ui\FormLayout\Exception' not found (in _Abstract.php) #480
- App->initLayout 2nd parameter $options #476
- allow to use icon in DropDown #473
- implement custom form layout #465
- TableColumn/Link doesn't evaluate as template #462
Merged pull requests:
- feature/jsSearch-Initial-Value #490 (ibelar)
- fix #476 #489 (DarkSide666)
- Fix/AutoComplete #488 (ibelar)
- Allow $field->ui['placeholder'] to affect form fields' placeholder directly. #484 (romaninsh)
- Make View->on(event, [jsAction1, jsAction2]) work #482 (PhilippGrashoff)
- Fix/#480 Unable to find Exception #481 (ibelar)
- Fix/#478 Notify options #479 (ibelar)
- Fix/Dropdown search not showing input char #477 (ibelar)