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"Kiosk Station" NHP Game Kiosk


The "Kiosk Station" is an interactive game kiosk intended for use with non-human primates. The kiosk is mounted to one module of an apartment-cage (replacing one of the wall panels), allowing a monkey to freely play the game without direct supervision.

This repository is a work-in-progress. All of the CAD files and auxiliary information needed to make additional "revision 2" kiosks should be present (in drawings-ext/rev2-cad-2021), but organization could be better.

The "Kiosk Station" project is copyright (c) 2021 by Vanderbilt University, and is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


This repository contains the following directories:

  • datasheets -- Vendor-supplied datasheets. Under vendor copyright.
  • drawings-ext -- CAD files and screenshots for various versions of the Kiosk Station. Component models and documentation provided by third-party component vendors are under vendor copyright.
  • drawings -- Assorted mechanical drawings.
  • manual -- LaTeX source and PDF output for the kiosk user manual (incomplete).
  • notes -- Assorted notes regarding the kiosk's design and components.
  • photos -- Representative photos of the kiosk and kiosk equipment.
  • proximity-2017 -- Materials relating to tests of proximity sensors that were to be mounted on the sipper tube of the kiosk.
  • pump-box -- Design documents for the control box for the LMI fluid pump used with the kiosk. The intention is that TTL pulses or user-fob button presses can trigger delivery of a fluid reward (water or juice) through the sipper tube.
  • reference -- Assorted reference documents (other than datasheets or vendor-supplied materials).
  • vendor-docs -- Vendor-provided documentation (other than datasheets). Under vendor copyright.
  • wiring-diagrams -- Wiring/cabling diagrams for kiosk-related equipment.

This is the end of the file.