I don't think you are supposed to be here but welcome. Not that I don't want you here but you might better not stay here. There is nothing useful here. You can leave and do something productive. Maybe take some rest. Still here? Ok then.
My name is Aukkawut Ammartayakun. I'm a Ph.D student in Data Science and Engineering at University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK).
More information on https://aukkawut.github.io which surprisingly, will redirect you to my github site.
I work on a lot on the machine learning related stuff. Partly because it is in the trending and I need to make money. However, the main goal is to satisfy my need to understand things.
Most of the repos here are either the class stuff or the project/paper result recreation I have done. Nothing much here really. The code here is just barely working with no consideration on the time/space/whatever complexity of the implementation not to mentioned the lack of experience in programming. The homework solution here are in the poor quality side with a lot of mistakes that I don't bother to fix here.
If you want to contact me for whatever reason, which I hope you really need to contact me, use email. Oh, I need to go now, I will eventually leave the email here. Some day. Hopefully. Eventually. Almost surely. At any time now.
(Update): Oh yes, I need to update this page. Let's see what I have in my bag... Oh, no. I forgot my email in my office again. Sorry, but next time I will definitely not forgot to bring my email with me.
(Update): Why I keep forgetting to add the email here. Where did I leave that? Let's see... grep my_email... it return nothing, maybe it need to be recursive... hmm. It returns "my_email: (null)". Weird, did not know that email without @ can functioning. Anyways, I will put it here.
my_email: (null)
there we go! Definitely there is no flag for CTF or anything here. Surely this is not a CTF.