A single-purpose extension for Tcl to resize/resample photo images
Use the standard ./configure; make; make install
incantation to build this package.
PhotoResize uses a high-quality (antialiased) photo image rescaling algorithm derived from the netpbm packge. It only exports a single command, resizephoto
which resamples an existing photo image and copies the resampled data to a target image. Sample code is like this:
package require Img
package require photoresize
toplevel .d
image create photo orig -file any_jpg.jpg
puts "Loaded JPEG"
image create photo disp
pack [label .d.l -image disp]
set time [time {resizephoto orig disp 600 400}]
puts "Time for resampling: $time"
In-place resampling is allowed, i.e. source and target can refer to the same image.
In version 0.2 an enhanced command was added to resample a subsection of the source image. See the image viewer demonstration in the demo folder.