A library for easily running a local Subspace node and/or farmer.
You'll have to have Rust toolchain installed as well as some packages in addition (Ubuntu example):
sudo apt-get install build-essential llvm protobuf-compiler
Start a node and farmer and wait for 10 blocks being farmed.
use futures::prelude::*;
let node = subspace_sdk::Node::builder()
// Starting a new chain
.build("node", subspace_sdk::chain_spec::dev_config().unwrap())
let plots = [subspace_sdk::PlotDescription::new("plot", bytesize::ByteSize::mb(100)).unwrap()];
let cache = subspace_sdk::farmer::CacheDescription::new("cache", bytesize::ByteSize::mb(10)).unwrap();
let farmer = subspace_sdk::Farmer::builder()
.build(subspace_sdk::PublicKey::from([0; 32]), node.clone(), &plots, cache)
.expect("Failed to init a farmer");
for plot in farmer.iter_plots().await {
let mut plotting_progress = plot.subscribe_initial_plotting_progress().await;
while plotting_progress.next().await.is_some() {}
tracing::info!("Initial plotting completed");
// Wait 10 blocks and exit
.for_each(|block| async move { tracing::info!(?block, "New block!") })