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GitHub Dev Area

Jeremy Faden edited this page May 15, 2019 · 2 revisions

Autoplot's "github dev" area is a home for ac-hoc scripts demonstrating bugs (or more likely codes that now work but didn't before) and demonstration scripts.

Eight-digit directories refer to the time the study was started, and four-digit directories refer to a bug ticket on Source Forge. For example "2157" refers to the bug described at (Note Source Forge has always been the host of Autoplot's code, and many references to Source Forge tickets exist within the code. This is why you are on GitHub but the bugs are on SourceForge.) Three-digit codes refer to feature tickets, like

Everyone is encouraged to contribute to this area, with the rule that any script should be runnable by anybody, so references to local filesystems should not be used, or the code should check for the LAN IP and clearly indicate it won't function without raising and error. This will allow testing systems to march through and run all scripts, for example, and an error will actually mean something.


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