FreeRTOS starter project for STM32 microcontrollers.
- GNU Make
- gcc-arm-embedded
- Create (if necessary) board and CPU definitions (see existing examples for details).
- Create an application folder in the apps directory
- Create a file for your application (see existing examples)
- Store your application code in the newly created directory and edit your file appropriately
- 'cd' to the root of base project directory
- type 'make APP=your_app_name'
- Install openocd with support for your JTAG dongle
- Add an openocd.cfg to your project (see existing examples)
- Install DDD (data display debugger) (optional)
- Type: sudo make APP=your_app_name openocd (this starts the debugger)
- Attach your favorite debugger (gdb/ddd/insight) to the openocd session (a make command for ddd is included in the makefile)
- Download, build, and install swo-tracer
- Compile and flash your firmware
- Start openocd with trace support (see example openocd.cfg files)
- Start gdb and enable semihosting (make APP=your_app gdb)
- Launch swo-tracer and point it at the swo.log file that is generated by openocd (swo-tracer -t swo.log). You may need to use sudo
- Use GDB to reset your firmware and any printf output should be displayed in the swo-tracer screen