Basic HTTP requests forwarder with Redis persistence.
Forwarder launches Cowboy web-server which starts to accept HTTP requests. Once it receives request it answers immediately with successful HTTP status (200 by default) and stores full request (URL, headers, body) into storage (Redis). In parallel with requests acceptor launches storage queue worker. It monitors persisted requests and forwards them to original destination. If forwarded request is failed (response status is 5xx) and a special setting was specified, request will be pushed back to the end of storage queue.
- Erlang R16B02 (erts-5.10.3) or higher
- Redis server v2.6.15 or higher
- libhiredis-dev
$ git clone
$ cd erl_proxy
$ make
$ ./_rel/bin/erl_proxy start
In development mode you should run the following:
$ make no_deps run
... and sync will do all the rest for you.
File <APP_ROOT>/src/
or <RELEASE_ROOT>/etc/app.config
stores some application specific settings:
{redis, [
{host, ""}, % Redis host
{port, 6379}, % Redis port
{namespace, "erl_proxy"}]}, % Redis namespace
{schedule, [
{compression_level, 1}]}, % Compression level for stored requests. Default value is 0 i.e. without compression.
{user_agent, "erl_proxy"}, % User-Agent for forwarded requests
{cowboy_port, 8888}, % Cowboy listeners' port
{cowboy_acceptors_num, 100}, % Number of Cowboy requests acceptors
{forward_to, ""}, % Original requests destination URL
{retry_attempts, 5}, % Number of retry attempts for failed forwarded requests
% erl_proxy will retry failures with an exponential backoff using the formula
% coefficient * (retry_count + 1)^power (i.e. 100, 1600, 8100, 25600, 62500, ... seconds).
% It will perform 5 retries over approximately 1 day.
{delay_formula, [
{coefficient, 100}, % First retry delay(sec)
{power, 4}]},
{reply_status, 200}, % Reply status for incoming clients' requests
{connection_timeout, 1000}, % Connection timeout for forwarded requests (ms)
{request_timeout, 5000}, % Timeout of response for forwarded requests (ms)
{delay_between_requests, 500} % Delay between forwarded requests (ms)
Get queue length:
curl -H "Accept: application/json" localhost:8888/schedule
Clear queue:
curl -X DELETE localhost:8888/schedule
Project is open for issues and pull requests. Feel free to make one... or more :)