Provides a maven parent pom that uses maven overlay, jetty and avaje-jetty-runner to build runnable wars
This uses the "maven overlay approach" to put jetty, logging, servlet api and avaje-jetty-runner into the root path of the war and a manifest entry to point to the RunWar main method. The jars included in the overlays provide a set of system classes that boot and run the war.
- Maven parent pom
In a maven project specify runnable-war as the parent pom.
- mvn clean package
This builds the war and will insert the jetty + logging + avaje-jetty-runner classes into the root of the war. It puts in a manifest entry to the avaje-jetty-runner RunWar.main() method.
Assumes logback is used for logging.
Version 2.1.1 introduces support for Websockets by adding the appropriate additional jetty dependencies.
- Run the war
Create a local logback.xml file and typically also a properties file.
java -Dlogback.configurationFile=logback.xml -jar target/example-1.1.1-SNAPSHOT.war
The example ... additionally uses jdeb to package the application up as a .deb with a logback.xml, properties file and init.d script.