- Maastricht the Netherlands
- www.avdweb.nl
The Adafruit_ILI9341 library cannot print new text over other text correctly. The old text is not erased first as it should. With this library extension we can overwrite text and numbers correctly.
Smart library with comprehensive functions for counting (multiple) frequencies and period-times. For Arduino Uno and Zero.
SAMD21 Timer library for the SAM15x15 and Arduino Zero
Fast PWM-DAC library for the SAMD21 and Arduino Zero
Cheap 16 bit DAC AD5662 for the Arduino
Fast analogRead 10/12 bit ADC for the Arduino Zero and Uno
delayMicrosecondsNon-blocking Virtual Delay timer. Timer-rollover safe. For the Arduino Uno and Zero.
Create a faster DAC than analogWrite() with the FastPWMdac library
This menu creates an intuitive and efficient way to browse and set options with just one button and one LED, as opposed to conventional menu interfaces that use an LCD display with multiple buttons…
Switch library with longPress and doubleClick
Fast Code Debug Oscilloscope Library for Arduino
Arduino driver for PC8544, most commonly found in small Nokia 5110's