An attendance registering device per RFID card with the ESP8266 IoT microcontroller.
A school IT extracurricular project by:
In order to compile the project in the Arduino IDE, you have to install these following libraries:
In order to set this project up to your own use, create secrets.hpp
in the root of the repository with defining these following macros:
#pragma once
#define DEVICE_NAME "<Device name for hostname and Firebase records>"
#define WIFI_SSID "<Your WiFi's SSID>"
#define WIFI_PASSWORD "<Your WiFi's password>"
#define FIREBASE_URL "<URL to your Firebase>"
#define FIREBASE_API_KEY "<API key to your Firebase>"
#define FIREBASE_AUTH_EMAIL "<Firebase authentication email>"
#define FIREBASE_AUTH_PASSWORD "<Firebase authentication password>"
This project requires a NodeMCU ESP8266 microcontroller, 20x4 character LCD screen with an I2C interface, and an MFRC522 RFID reader.
(Please don't mind the hand-drawn schematic on paper)
The codebase fetches cardholder/student information by the JSON layout shown below. Adjust your Firebase database accordingly.
"students": {
"{Card UID 4-byte hex for each student}": {
"class_id": INTEGER,
"classroom": STRING,
"name": STRING,
"school_id": INTEGER