djutils v2.0.1
djutils version 2.0.1
- documentation updated with correct links and Maven Central repo
- ingest(...) method in djutils-stats renamed to register(...)
- 'current' folder renamed to 'latest' folder in docs
- DITTlab URL corrected; site.xml for djutils-parent reduced
- configuring maven-changes-plugin correctly
- site.vm in pom file left out -- default to standard site.vm
- added tag -> false in maven-site-plugin
- newest version of all dependencies; changed imports where necessary
- remove module djutils-generato -- this module was only used to create one static table
- site information in /src/site for all modules added
- update gson to v2.9.0 b/c of vulnerability sonatype-2021-1694 aka CVE-2022-25647