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A simple python https server


pip install py-https


As a module from any location

 python3 -m pyhttps [-option value] [port]

In script

 from pyhttps import startserver

 ##cert : certificate file location
 ##key  : key file location


--v             Version Info(**)
--help          Help and usage Info(**)
-p              Port Number [Port 443,80 may require sudo or elivated permissions]
-h              Host address
-c              ssl cert file location
-k              ssl key file location
-gencert        Auto Generate SSL Cert and Key(#)
(-gencert [Value]: Target Path for generating certificates)

** [No value needed for these type of options]
#  [Optional value for this type of option]

>>> openssl must be installed and included in PATH for -gencert otpion to work

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