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HowTo: Render Non Occams Models as Pages

Andrew vonderLuft edited this page Aug 26, 2023 · 2 revisions

Sometimes you want to render your regular app objects like a Occams::Cms::Page. Enter the Occams::Cms::WithFragments concern. (Note: This used to be called cms_manageable, but with the release of comfy 2.0, has been converted into a concern.)

An example from the previous implementation of this feature as cms_manageable:

class BoringModel < ActiveRecord::Base

  validates :is_awesome, presence: true


  # Your job to figure out a nice way to handle this...
  def layout "<p>{{ cms:page:random_content }}</p>")


# Let's assume we have an instance of our BoringModel
boring_model = BoringModel.first
# Set some blocks that match the layout we defined in the class...
boring_model.blocks_attributes = [{ :identifier => 'random_content', :content => 'not so boring anymore ;-)' }]

#=> "<p>not so boring anymore ;-)</p>"

Here are the steps to take:

  1. Add include Occams::Cms::WithFragments in your model.
  2. Add a content_cache column to your objects table.
  3. Associate your object with a occams layout. Occams::Cms::WithFragments adds
belongs_to :layout, class_name: "Occams::Cms::Layout"
  1. Associate your object to occams fragments which store the content that will be rendered. Occams::Cms::WithFragments adds
has_many :fragments,
    class_name: "Occams::Cms::Fragment",
    as:         :record,
    autosave:   true,
    dependent: :destroy
  1. Profit!

For further information, see the Occams::Cms::WithFragment module, which is also used by Occams::Cms::Page to handle the relationship between comfy pages and fragments. Dogfooding for the win! Remember, 'blocks' are now called fragments.
