MyTardisBF is an App for the MyTardis data management platform that provides tools for extracting preview images and metadata from common microscopy formats. The App uses the Bioformats library via python-bioformats and supports the extraction of preview images and limited metadata information for all images supported by Bioformats. Additionally, the filter supports extraction of metadata and preview images for each series in multi-series image formats like Leica LIF files.
These instructions assume that you have installed and configured MyTardis. If you haven't please follow the instructions in the latest MyTardis documentation.
First install numpy
into your MyTardis python environment:
pip install -U numpy
Then install the latest relesase of the mytardisbf
pip install -e git+[email protected]#egg=mytardisbf
or for the latest development version:
pip install -e git+
If you using a virtualenv, remember to activate it first.
Add the following to your MyTardis settings file eg. /path/to/mytardis/tardis/
Add mytardisbf
Enable the filter middleware for all actions:
MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES + ('tardis.tardis_portal.filters.FilterInitMiddleware',)
FILTER_MIDDLEWARE = (("tardis.tardis_portal.filters", "FilterInitMiddleware"),)
Then add the definition for the MyTardisBF filter:
["BioformatsMetadata", ""]),
The Bioformats filter can be run outside of the default celery queue. To specify a different celery queue, add the following to MyTardis's
BIOFORMATS_QUEUE = "nameofqueue"
where nameofqueue
is the name of the celery queue in which you want to run the filter.
The maximum heap space use by the JVM in each celery worker can also be configured:
git clone
cd mytardisbf
To test in with MyTardis:
# Activate your MyTardis virtualenv
pip install -e .
Configuration of the App and Filters in MyTardis is the same as decribed above for normal Installation.
Note that many of the original unittests are skipped because the test image files were large and therefore not included in this repository. Nosetests is required: pip install nose
In order to run unittests, you will need to enable the javabridge nosetest plugin.
Add the following to setup.cfg
with-javabridge = True
classpath = /path/to/.virtualenvs/mytardis/lib/python2.7/site-packages/javabridge/jars/rhino-1.7R4.jar:/path/to/.virtualenvs/mytardis/lib/python2.7/site-packages/javabridge/jars/runnablequeue.jar:/path/to/.virtualenvs/mytardis/lib/python2.7/site-packages/javabridge/jars/cpython.jar:/path/to/.virtualenvs/mytardis/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bioformats/jars/loci_tools.jar
Note: you will need to adjust the /path/to/.virtualenvs/mytardis
to the location of your mytardis python environment or a python environment that has the dependencies for this app.