This app is very similar to the Messaging System on Facebook. There are tests, but they are from the project I forked it from. I will update and improve them once I get around to it.
- Each Message is a thread with participants and messages
- Inbox with filter for read and unread messages
- Outbox
- Fulltext search support using Haystack
- Users are notified using django-notification when new messages arrive
- Batch update to set messages to read/unread/delete
- Ajax posting of messages within thread
- Can be used with jquery.tokeninput to offer a similar usuability as Facebook when it comes to selecting recipients.
- Installable using pip and easy_install
- Modular message sending using facebox
The app comes with a very basic user search component. If you want to extend it or adapt it to your needs look at views.recipient_search. Adapt your own version in a seperate app and then change the call in your compose templates:
$("#id_recipient").tokenInput("{% url recipient_search %}?format=json", parameters)
to point to your custom view.
- Haystack
- Django-notification
pip install -e
pip install django-threaded-messages
There are two other repositories doing this (one of them is not maintained anymore):
I am not sure what the exact differences are to this implementation. I am pretty certain that they don't include read/unread, fulltext search, pip install etc.