This website :- ->Helps students or working professionals find a compatible partner for their small scale or large scale projects which can be commercialized in the future.
->Connects teams to a single team mate or connects an individual to an existing team requiring a single person for a specific role in their team.
->Users can find a team/teammate by searching by location, technologies required, or even by college.
Steps:- 1.User signs up and creates his/her profile having details such as name, phone number, technology tags, linkedin profile, github profile, previous working experience, location. 2.User is also asked to enter his expectations (pre-requisites) from a peer he/she is in searching for ie they should know a particular technology that the searching user is looking for. 3.Several users register on our website i.e create a profile and their details are added to our database. We use this data collected to then find a perfect match for a team/individual.