Releases: aws-samples/aws-scalable-big-blue-button-example
Releases · aws-samples/aws-scalable-big-blue-button-example
## [6.0.0] - 2024-12-06
- Bootstraping EC2 IP evaluation
- route53-handler script does its work again
- fixed install script step
- fixed links for scalelite downloads when bootstrapping
- Greenlight user creation and bootup fixed
- pin platform for docker push/pull to linux/amd64 to ensure scripts are functional for arm based deployment systems
- upgrade of the Aurora PostgrSQL Engine Version to 16.4
- upgrade of the (default) BBB version to 2.7.X
- removed the validation step of the Amazon Cloudformation templates to speed up setup.
- switch to valkey 7.2
- reorganization and optimizing the templates for better maintainability and readability
- and are now shell agnostic and improved
- stripped down new to create vpc to the minimum needed to remove complexity for the sample code
- rewriten handler scripts for better logging, debugging, maintainability
- removal of single instance install for cleaner repo
- removal of EnvironmentType Switch/Variables.
- removal of dev/stage/prod switch, we assume this a test/tinker environment. It ensures cleaner, simple templates
- make the version settings for bbb-scalable more dynamic and depend on the set application version.
- added scalelite managament script to delete instances from the LB and debug if needed directly from the console
Upgrade Notes:
- Upgrading the Amazon Aurora Postgres Engine version and/or the switch to Aurora Serverless v2 via Amazon Cloudformation is not supported. Please refer to the official upgrade documentation and migrate to Aurora Serverless v2 if you have a already running environment using an older engine version and/or Aurora Serverless v1 to proceed with the upgrade before using the Cloudformation deployment.
- This is an overall rewrite/remake of a lot of things, please do a new deployment rather than than an inplace upgrade. If you desperately want to update inplace: Do proper backups first!
[5.0.0] - 2023-06-15
Upgrade Notes:
- Upgrading the Amazon Aurora Postgres Engine version and/or the switch to Aurora Serverless v2 via Amazon Cloudformation is not supported. Please refer to the official upgrade documentation and migrate to Aurora Serverless v2 if you have a already running environment using an older engine version and/or Aurora Serverless v1 to proceed with the upgrade before using the Cloudformation deployment.
- Greenlight Updated to version 3 which will come with some major changes to the startup scripts. 5.0.0 of the deployment will not be compatible to Greenligth version 2 based deployments anymore. If you need to stay with Greenlight version 2 please use version 4.5.0 of the deployment codebase.
- Due the change in how we utilize the most recent AMI for Ubuntu, double check your parameter file (bbb-on-aws-param.json) if you customized it to reflect the switch to the new parameters BBBApplicationInstanceAMIParameter and containing the path to the fitting AMI SSM Parameter Store object.
- seperate turn servers has been removed from the deployment. this also means big blue button versions prior 2.6 cannot be used with version 5.0.0 anymore as the prior versions do not support the included turn server install. If you want to stick on BigBlueButton 2.5 use the 4.X version of this deployment code.
- Aurora Engine Version now on 14.3
- ExecutionCommand Enabled for the ECS cluster, tasks are extended to be able to use aws ecs cli commands to log into the tasks for debug purposes
- Update Big Blue Button version to 2.6
- Update Greenlight to version 3
- Update Scalelite to version 1.4
- Bootstrap Scripts moved to seperate bash script files for easier access for customization and lean cfn template.
- Removed the Instance Class/Familie restrictions from the templates. Still you need to use valid instances though depending on which are available for Amazon EC2, Amazon Elasticache and Amazon RDS.
- Removed the Custom AMI finder and relate to AWS Parameter Store default offering via resolve Function
- restructured the ECR local workflow.
- Added ScanOnPush to the ECR registry for security scaning
- Removed the need for server-handler task to add and remove BBB Application server instances. commands are executed now directly at the scalelite-api task via the application server instance. This will speed up adding/removing of meeting servers.
- Removal of the seperate turn server. the turn server is now integrated into each BBB Application Server Instance seperately
- updated cli53 version to 0.8.22
- updated aws-cli v1 to v2
Upgrade Notes:
- Upgrading the Amazon Aurora Postgres Engine version and/or the switch to Aurora Serverless v2 via Amazon Cloudformation is not supported. Please refer to the official upgrade documentation and migrate to Aurora Serverless v2 if you have a already running environment using an older engine version and/or Aurora Serverless v1 to proceed with the upgrade before using the Cloudformation deployment.
- lambda python runtimes updated to supported version
- Ensure database names begin with letter
- Application version parameter is now passed through needed nested stacks
- Aurora Serverless switched to Aurora Serverless v2
- Aurora Engine Version now on 13.7
- Update Big Blue Button version to 2.5
- Application Server OS now on Ubuntu 20.04
- upgraded cfn-ses-provider to v0.8.3
- Parameter to enable/disable the deployment of Greenlight for the scalable setup. This enables you to have a deployment prepared to be used with an external LMS or Frontend in general. this change disables the Greenlight Tasks, Services, ALB deployments, DNS entries, setup of SES and SMTP User and referred Roles. Parameter: "BBBFrontendType" valid values: Greenlight, External
[4.0.0] - 2022-05-28
- #112: switch parameters and variables to dynamic variables which should enable multi deployments at the same AWS Account.
- Removed unused Parameters
- Randomized Database Naming
- upgraded cfn-ses-provider to v0.8.2
- remove of any CW alarms as this should be customized per environment
- #104: is now checking for a running docker daemon and exists if not found
- #101: adding _netdev to fstab to prevent loss of storage mount on reboots
- #103: fixing the SNS topic encryption to allow SES notification sendout
- #99: improved the command within the greenlight task. basically extended the default /bin/start instead of the old quick and dirty hack.
- renamed the root stack yaml file
- scalelite version push to 1.3
- Aurora Default Engine version pushed to 10.14