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Smart Ad Breaks

Required parameters

  • MediaInsightsEnginePython39Layer: ARN of the MIE Lambda layer (MediaInsightsEnginePython39Layer output of the MIE main CloudFormation stack)
  • WorkflowCustomResourceArn: ARN of the MIE custom resource (WorkflowCustomResourceArn output of the MIE main CloudFormation stack)
  • WorkflowEndpoint: Workflow endpoint. (APIHandlerName output of MIE Workflow API CloudFormation nested stack)
  • DataplaneEndpoint: Dataplane endpoint (APIHandlerName output of the MIE Dataplane CloudFormation nested stack)
  • DataplaneBucket: Bucket for the dataplane (DataplaneBucket output of the MIE main CloudFormation stack)


sam build --parameter-overrides 'ParameterKey=MediaInsightsEnginePython39Layer,ParameterValue=[ARN obtained from MIE stack]'

sam deploy --guided

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