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ci: Use GITHUB_OUTPUT envvar instead of set-output command #315

ci: Use GITHUB_OUTPUT envvar instead of set-output command

ci: Use GITHUB_OUTPUT envvar instead of set-output command #315

name: Detect CDK Bootstrap Version Changes
on: [pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
fetch-depth: '0'
- name: Install AWS CDK
run: |
npm install -g aws-cdk
- name: Get Staging Bucket Update/Replace Policy
id: stagingBucketUpdateReplacePolicy
run: |
echo "update-replace-policy=$(yq '.Resources.StagingBucket.UpdateReplacePolicy' 'src/AWS.Deploy.Orchestration/CDK/CDKBootstrapTemplate.yaml')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Get Staging Bucket Deletion Policy
id: stagingBucketDeletionPolicy
run: |
echo "deletion-policy=$(yq '.Resources.StagingBucket.DeletionPolicy' 'src/AWS.Deploy.Orchestration/CDK/CDKBootstrapTemplate.yaml')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Fail If Update/Replace Policy Not 'Delete'
if: steps.stagingBucketUpdateReplacePolicy.outputs.update-replace-policy != 'Delete'
run: |
echo "The 'UpdateReplacePolicy' of the 'StaginBucket' in the CDK bootstrap template should be 'Delete'."
exit 1
- name: Fail If Deletion Policy Not 'Delete'
if: steps.stagingBucketDeletionPolicy.outputs.deletion-policy != 'Delete'
run: |
echo "The 'DeletionPolicy' of the 'StaginBucket' in the CDK bootstrap template should be 'Delete'."
exit 1
- name: Save New CDK Bootstrap Template
run: |
cdk bootstrap --show-template > newTemplate.yml
- name: Get Latest CDK Bootstrap Version
id: latestBootstrapVersion
run: |
echo "latest-version=$(yq '.Resources.CdkBootstrapVersion.Properties.Value' 'newTemplate.yml')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Get Current CDK Bootstrap Version
id: currentBootstrapVersion
run: |
echo "current-version=$(yq '.Resources.CdkBootstrapVersion.Properties.Value' 'src/AWS.Deploy.Orchestration/CDK/CDKBootstrapTemplate.yaml')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Fail If CDK Bootstrap Template Changes Detected
if: steps.currentBootstrapVersion.outputs.current-version != steps.latestBootstrapVersion.outputs.latest-version
run: |
echo "A new version of the AWS CDK Bootstrap Template is available. The current template that is being used by the Deploy tool needs to be updated."
exit 1