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AWS ParallelCluster v3.0.0

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@lukeseawalker lukeseawalker released this 10 Sep 15:53
· 7 commits to release-3.0 since this release

We're excited to announce the release of AWS ParallelCluster Node 3.0.0

This is associated with AWS ParallelCluster v3.0.0



  • Implement scaling protection mechanism with Slurm scheduler: compute fleet is automatically set to 'PROTECTED' state
    in case recurrent failures are encountered when provisioning nodes.
  • Implement computemgtd self-termination via shutdown command instead of calling TerminateInstances.


  • Drop support for SGE and Torque schedulers.
  • Use tags prefix parallelcluster: when describing EC2 instances.
  • Run Slurm command scontrol with sudo because clustermgtd is executed as cluster admin user (not root).