Enforcing the usage of the standardized getStats API
In this release, we have made improvements to the getStats() function to ensure compatibility with Chrome's upcoming changes.
Background: RTCPeerConnection has two versions of getStats(), one that is spec-compliant returning the report via resolving a promise, and one that is non-standard returning a very different report via a callback as the first argument. The non-standard callback-based version of getStats() will be removed in future versions of Chrome.
To align with Chrome's future release, we have enforced the use of the standardized (promise-based) version of getStats() in this release. This change ensures a seamless transition by generating output that is consistent with the results obtained from the legacy getStats API. Please make sure to upgrade your connect-rtc-js to this version to support the Chrome future release. Please find more about the Chrome deprecation plan here: https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/PxQQtEM7za0/m/Dg-zX1bZBQAJ