Provision, manage and connect to Amazon RedShift.
IAM resources - See the AWS Service Broker Requirements for details VPC - A VPC ID will be requested during launch, A VPC with unused CIDR space is required as the plan will create the required subnets.
Exposes all available parameters for the MySQL RDS engine.
Best practice RedShift plan for production by setting the following parameters:
DBName: automatic
MasterUsername: master
MasterUserPassword: automatic
AllowVersionUpgrade: false
PortNumber: 15439
NumberOfAvailabilityZones: 2
AvailabilityZones: automatic
CidrSize: 27
CidrBlocks: automatic
BackupRetentionPeriod: 35
ClusterType: multi-node
LogBucketName: ''
StorageEncrypted: true
No resources are retained. The RedShift cluster, data and all associated resources will be fully removed if the Service Instance is deleted.
Getting Started With OCP and the AWS Service Broker
AWS Service Broker Overview
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