A repository to grow the workshop into a full featured course on the applications of modern remote sensing and photogrammetry techniques in and for the environmental and geosciences.
Orthocorrection GCP Activity has a wiki page
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If possible, download everything at the UNM Gem Lab Data link
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This README.md file with overview and basic instructions
Imagery in jpg format
13 images
~ 85 MB
Nikon D810 RGB
Collected with Civil Air Patrol as part of SSCAFCA Calabacillas Arroyo Project
Collection height about 2500 feet Above Ground Level (AGL)
Ground Sample Distance (GSD) is about 5cm
Survey data in CSV format
WGS84 Decimal Degree
NAD83 Zone 13N Northing and Easting
Elevation in Meters for Both Coordinate Systems
Wiki page with Ground Control points shown in images
* Processed in PhotoScan(c) at the highest settings
Sample Processing Results fom PhotoScan
Processed on highest settings throughout
~ 2.1 GB
1 Meter Resolution DSM
Covers the region around the AOI
1 meter resolution
~ 33 MB