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This repository demonstrates how to implement the Axeptio React Native SDK in your mobile applications.



npm install --save @axeptio/react-native-sdk
// or
yarn add @axeptio/react-native-sdk

Android setup

  • Min sdk 26
  • Add maven github repository and credentials in your app's android/build.gradle (at the root level of the .gradle file)
repositories {
    maven {
        url = uri("")
        credentials {
           username = "[GITHUB_USERNAME]"
           password = "[GITHUB_TOKEN]"


We support iOS versions >= 15.

npx pod-install

The sdk do not manage App Tracking Transparency, you can find more information there.


You can find a basic usage of the Axeptio SDK in the example folder. Read the specific documentation.


Initialize the SDK on app start up:

async function init() {
  await AxeptioSDK.initialize(
  await AxeptioSDK.setupUI();

App Tracking Transparency (ATT)

To manage App Tracking Transparency, you can use the react-native-tracking-transparency widget.

First, install it

npm install --save react-native-tracking-transparency
// or
yarn react-native-tracking-transparency

Add NSUserTrackingUsageDescription to your Info.plist add file

<string>Explain why you need user tracking</string>

You can now manage ATT popup before setup UI

let trackingStatus = await getTrackingStatus();

if (trackingStatus === 'not-determined') {
  trackingStatus = await requestTrackingPermission();

if (trackingStatus === 'denied') {
  await AxeptioSDK.setUserDeniedTracking();
} else {
  await AxeptioSDK.setupUI();

Show consent popup on demand

Additionally, you can request the consent popup to open on demand.


Sharing consents with other web views

The SDK provides a helper function to append the axeptio_token query param to any URL. You can precise a custom user token or use the one currently stored in the SDK.

const token = await AxeptioSdk.getAxeptioToken();
const url = await AxeptioSdk.appendAxeptioTokenURL(

Will return[token]

Clear user's consent choices



The Axeptio SDK triggers various events to notify you that the user has taken some action.

We provide an AxeptioEventListener class that can be use to catch events. Don't forget to add this listener to AxeptioSdk, as below.

const listener: AxeptioEventListener = {
  onPopupClosedEvent: () => {
    // The CMP notice is being hidden
    // Do something
  onConsentChanged: () => {
    // The consent of the user changed
    // Do something
  onGoogleConsentModeUpdate: (_consents) => {
    // The Google Consent V2 status
    // Do something