Tools and scripts to write beautiful code!
The installation of these utilities may vary depending on their
nature, but most likely you can use them by just copying the
file you want to your ~
root folder or ~/bin folder.
# Clone the repo
$ git clone
# Move lets say `.aliases` to your root directory
$ cd axiacore_utils && mv .aliases ~
# Reload the shell
$ source ~/.bashrc
# Use the shortcuts.
# Open dropbox folder
$ d
#copy git_commands and make sure you have ~/bin/ in your PATH
cp git_commands/* && ~/bin
#if you do not have ~/bin in your path, on your ~/.bashrc do
#something like
#export PATH=$PATH:~/bin/
Now you should have
- git patch
- git minor
- git major
That will update your version files and commit directly to your git repo with the proper version tag
This are community files used to make our work more enjoyable. If you want to see something, please send us a pull request.