Module to add a series of tweaks/modifications to the Silverstripe CMS. The goal is to make the CMS less confusing for non-technical users, removing functionality some they can't use (ie: non SITETREE_REORGANISE users).
- Move MetaDescription and ExtraMeta to it's own "Advanced tab"
- Adds MetaKeywords for those wanting to use them
- Page name, URL Segment, Navigation label not shown to users without
permissions- Meta Title is displayed on the Advanced tab if no
permissions - "Page name" renamed "Meta Title" to avoid confusion
- Meta Title is displayed on the Advanced tab if no
- JavaScript word/character count for Meta Title & Meta Description
- Position the Advanced tab on the right (floated after all other tabs)
- Dependent pages (if any) displayed on Advanced tab
- Hide add/Archive page buttons when user has no
permissions - Hide CMS ErrorPages to non-admin users in CMS
- Remove SiteTree drag handle when user has no
permissions - Remove "Duplicate" from right-mouse menu when user has no
permissions - Prevent accidental form submission in CMS when the enter key is used on input fields
- Add "Remove formatting" button to TinyMCE to clean pasted code
- Remove "Help" link
Please see CMSTweaks documentation for a configuration info.
The MetadataTab extension (by default) moves the Metadata information from below the Content field into its own tab. Please refer to the Metadata Tab documentation for configuration options.
- Silverstripe ^4.0 || ^5.0 || ^6.0