Releases: axonivy-market/portal
Releases · axonivy-market/portal
🚀 Features
- IVYPORTAL-18546: Text overflow not consistently replaced with ellipsis and no consistent tool tips available @tphvu-axonivy (#1570)
- IVYPORTAL-18557: Add paginator template for document table in case details @mnhnam-axonivy (#1567)
- IVYPORTAL-17212: Portal LTS breadcrumb error @lndanh-axonivy (#1522)
- IVYPORTAL-18403: Portal custom field display name @tphvu-axonivy (#1531)
🚀 Features
- IVYPORTAL-18158 Implement File Preview to Portal Components @nhthinh-axonivy (#1443)
- IVYPORTAL-18316 Update the Avatar component to auto convert email to lower cases @mnhnam-axonivy (#1440)
- IVYPORTAL-18026 Long loading time for accessing case details of case has thousands of tasks @lttung-axonivy (#1415)
- IVYPORTAL-17710 Use shortcut to navigate into and out iframe @pvthai-axonivy (#1387)
- IVYPORTAL 17694 Remove usages of deprecated methods query from json and query as json @mnhnam-axonivy (#1418)
- IVYPORTAL-18157 Replace the deprecated method ICase.getOwner() @chnam-axonivy (#1396)
- IVYPORTAL-18249 Enhance statistics dashboard modification @tphvu-axonivy (#1399)
- IVYPORTAL-16201 Remove unnecessary ajax loader @lmluat-axonivy (#1373)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- IVYPORTAL-18309 Error when try to run a restricted process from the Process Overview page @mnhnam-axonivy (#1436)
- IVYPORTAL-18210 Security error happens when reloading with iframe inside external page widget @lmluat-axonivy (#1388)
- IVYPORTAL-18215 Portal crashes if changing light dark mode multiple times in Absence page @lmluat-axonivy (#1385)
🚀 Features
- IVYPORTAL-18158 Implement File Preview to Portal Components @nhthinh-axonivy (#1448)
- IVYPORTAL-18316 Update the Avatar component to auto convert email to lower cases @mnhnam-axonivy (#1429)
- IVYPORTAL-17710: Using shortcut to navigate into and out iframe @pvthai-axonivy (#1389)
- IVYPORTAL-18073 Create file preview for PDF .log and PNG @chnam-axonivy (#1328)
- IVYPORTAL-18054 Iframe task template: Missing permission check for Case information @ntloc-axonivy (#1290)
- IVYPORTAL-18046 Add validation message when click Preview when user doesn't input all mandatory fields @lmluat-axonivy (#1276)
- IVYPORTAL-18014 UserSetOwnPassword permission is ignored in Portal with Change password feature @nhthinh-axonivy (#1275)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- IVYPORTAL-18309 Error when try to run a restricted process from the Process Overview page @mnhnam-axonivy (#1431)
- IVYPORTAL-18215: Portal crashes if changing light dark mode multiple times in Absence page @lmluat-axonivy (#1386)
- IVYPORTAL-18125 Filtering on a custom field of type timestamp delivers false data @lttung-axonivy (#1302)
- IVYPORTAL-17939 Start task doesn't work well @chnam-axonivy (#1283)
- IVYPORTAL-17931 Portal shows error when variable PortalHiddenTaskCaseExcluded is false @chnam-axonivy (#1210)
- IVYPORTAL-17994 Permission disappear after deleting in Dashboard Configuration (create new dashboard) @lmluat-axonivy (#1238)
🚀 Features
- IVYPORTAL-18028 High - Failure to use HTTPS or SFTP URL in Maven artifact upload/download - Two occurrences by @lmluat-axonivy in #1305
- IVYPORTAL-18063 Bring back default sort for task/case widget by @tphvu-axonivy in #1319
- IVYPORTAL-18032 UI facelift conflict by @lmluat-axonivy in #1312
- IVYPORTAL-18035 Medium - Failure to use secure cookies by @lmluat-axonivy in #1323
- IVYPORTAL-18073 Create file preview for PDF .log and PNG by @chnam-axonivy in #1325
🐛 Bug Fixes
- IVYPORTAL-18051 Portal Dashboard shows no permission screen when dashboards is empty by @nhthinh-axonivy in #1280
- IVYPORTAL-18072 Enhance responsiveness for the default case and task lists by @mnhnam-axonivy in #1300
🚀 Features
- IVYPORTAL-18054 Enhance case information permission for iframe task template @ntloc-axonivy (#1291)
- IVYPORTAL-18046 Add message when clicking on Preview button with no selected process in process widget @lmluat-axonivy (#1274)
- IVYPORTAL-18014 Permission UserSetOwnPassword is applied in changing password feature @nhthinh-axonivy (#1270)
📄 Documentation
- IVYPORTAL-17805 Update documentation for IFrame task template configuration @nhthinh-axonivy (#1285)
🚀 Features
- IVYPORTAL-18012 Adjust width for the default dashboard and dashboard templates @mnhnam-axonivy (#1233)
- IVYPORTAL-17527 Improve visualization of numbers - Add delimiter for big numbers @ntloc-axonivy (#1251)
- IVYPORTAL-17937 Accessibility dashboard, case widget column has a vertical dash @lndanh-axonivy (#1249)
- IVYPORTAL-17898 Update case owner in Portal @chnam-axonivy (#1243)
- IVYPORTAL-17422 Remove Full Case List and Replace it with the Case Widget @lttung-axonivy (#1202)
- IVYPORTAL-17851 Upload document should display supported file types @nhthinh-axonivy (#1225)
- IVYPORTAL-17987 Dashboard configuration improvements @mnhnam-axonivy (#1216)
- IVYPORTAL-17461 Remove Full Task List and Replace it with the Task Widget @nhthinh-axonivy (#1153)
- IVYPORTAL-17679 UI Facelift for LTS 12.0.0 - Part 2 @chnam-axonivy (#1150)
- IVYPORTAL-17829 Use Portal view expire exception dialog inside task iframe @mnhnam-axonivy (#1182)
- IVYPORTAL-17900 Make the upload size limit configurable for the DocumentTable component @pvthai-axonivy (#1174)
- IVYPORTAL-17540 Implement column width changing for portal widgets @lndanh-axonivy (#1130)
- IVYPORTAL-17707 Provide No-Code Configurations for the IFrame Task Template in the Neo Designer @lttung-axonivy (#1133)
- IVYPORTAL-17770 UI Facelift for LTS 12.0.0 - Part 3 @lmluat-axonivy (#1144)
- IVYPORTAL-17533 Create Accessibility Mode Dashboard Template @lndanh-axonivy (#1117)
- IVYPORTAL-17576 Variable Portal.DateTimeFormat.DateFilterWithTime does not work on complex filter @ntloc-axonivy (#1082)
- IVYPORTAL-17546 UI Facelift for LTS 12.0.0 - Part 1 @lmluat-axonivy (#1084)
- IVYPORTAL-17700 Remove portalTest and move jmeter build to other package @tphvu-axonivy (#1104)
- IVYPORTAL-17732 Change elastic search to open search @tphvu-axonivy (#1105)
- IVYPORTAL-17534 Put descriptive information of the Case/Task to the start element of the UI @pvthai-axonivy (#1088)
- IVYPORTAL-17431 Remove Express from Portal @ntloc-axonivy (#1051)
- IVYPORTAL-17670 Missing DE translation locale @lndanh-axonivy (#1085)
- IVYPORTAL-17529 Short Cuts 2: Implement short cuts for Case. Task and Process List Widget @pvthai-axonivy (#1074)
- IVYPORTAL-17427 Remove old statistics Area @ntloc-axonivy (#1026)
- IVYPORTAL-17304 Implement the hide Fullscreen mode / Widget Info icons in all widgets @pvthai-axonivy (#1022)
- IVYPORTAL-17410 Change the message for no tasks/cases available @pvthai-axonivy (#1023)
- IVYPORTAL-17428 Check and remove deprecated features from portal - Code + Docs @lttung-axonivy (#991)
- IVYPORTAL-17251 Implement elements with IDs for header task bar All Portal Sites LE @ntloc-axonivy (#976)
- IVYPORTAL-16656 Quick Search in Processes Widget @lmluat-axonivy (#974)
- IVYPORTAL-17252 Change meta element for resizing of text - All Portal Sites @nhthinh-axonivy (#971)
- IVYPORTAL-17254 Short Cuts 1: Implement navigation with short cuts - All Portal Sites @lndanh-axonivy (#965)
- IVYPORTAL-17250 Implement an title element for custom iframes - All Portal Sites @lttung-axonivy (#968)
- IVYPORTAL-17270 Spacing in portal menu after removing items Portal LE @ntloc-axonivy (#904)
- IVYPORTAL-17165 Hide System Task by Permission @pvthai-axonivy (#929)
- IVYPORTAL-17254 Implement navigation with short cuts - All Portal Site @lndanh-axonivy (#957)
- IVYPORTAL-16862 Announcement cannot be change when already enable LE @ntloc-axonivy (#903)
- IVYPORTAL-16656 Quick Search in Processes Widget @lmluat-axonivy (#928)
- IVYPORTAL-16892 Hide case creator info @nhthinh-axonivy (#892)
- IVYPORTAL-16944 Hide "Password forgotten"-function in specific cases @nhthinh-axonivy (#875)
- IVYPORTAL-17203 Update Portal to Java 21 @chnam-axonivy (#881)
- IVYPORTAL-16736 Limit global search's result scopes @lndanh-axonivy (#858)
- IVYPORTAL-16657 Deactivate Dashboard Widget Icons "Info" & "Extend" @lmluat-axonivy (#837)
- IVYPORTAL-16945 Case details - sorting of various tables @mnhnam-axonivy (#847)
- IVYPORTAL-16222 Rework - Business Case Detail @nhthinh-axonivy (#753)
- IVYPORTAL-17089 Automate migrate dashboard's process widget type @mnhnam-axonivy (#838)
- IVYPORTAL-16949 Quick Search Enhancements @lndanh-axonivy (#819)
- IVYPORTAL-16658 Page Titles Logic @lmluat-axonivy (#808)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- IVYPORTAL-17822 LTS Testing Buffer Story for Bugs and Fixes > IVYPORT… @mnhnam-axonivy (#1265)
- IVYPORTAL-17918 Notification bug: some lines have no message and cause error when clicking Start @nhthinh-axonivy (#1247)
- IVYPORTAL-17822 LTS Testing Buffer Story for Bugs and Fixes @chnam-axonivy (#1252)
- IVYPORTAL-17725 Multiple headers are highlighted after sort @mnhnam-axonivy (#1220)
- IVYPORTAL-18013 Filter category does not working on process/task/case dashboard widget @lmluat-axonivy (#1236)
- IVYPORTAL-17899 Complex filter error when closing filter form with null filter @mnhnam-axonivy (#1214)
- IVYPORTAL-17978 Bug custom field column width auto resize @mnhnam-axonivy (#1209)
- IVYPORTAL-17991 UI in the AutoComplete of permissions is broken @mnhnam-axonivy (#1221)
- IVYPORTAL-17978 Bug custom field column width auto resize @mnhnam-axonivy (#1206)
- IVYPORTAL-17212 Portal LTS breadcrumb error @chnam-axonivy (#1168)
- IVYPORTAL-17763 Display Case custom field on Task widget @pvthai-axonivy (#1134)
- IVYPORTAL-17713 Cannot focus on global quick search @pvthai-axonivy (#1086)
- IVYPORTAL-17567 Homepage Selection leads to empty Page with misleading error log message @lndanh-axonivy (#1066)
- IVYPORTAL-17408 DB query for filter in task/case widget is executed 3 times @lndanh-axonivy (#1010)
- IVYPORTAL-17671 Adapt currentUserOrHisRolesAreInvolved API for Task @mnhnam-axonivy (#1055)
- IVYPORTAL-17273 Manipulate expiry in task detail in portal doesn't produce correct behaviour @mnhnam-axonivy (#1059)
- IVYPORTAL-17553 TaskWriteExpiryTimestamp does not work as expected @lmluat-axonivy (#1020)
- IVYPORTAL-17541 Custom fields are missing in Excel file in Case Widget @ntloc-axonivy (#1015)
- IVYPORTAL-17122 Back button in Case details issue @chnam-axonivy (#1018)
- IVYPORTAL-17391 Wrong language message after session is killed @ntloc-axonivy (#987)
- IVYPORTAL-16400 Customize global growl message doesn't work @lttung-axonivy (#945)
- IVYPORTAL-17240 Broken UI Portal version dialog in Firefox LE @ntloc-axonivy (#890)
- IVYPORTAL-16331 Warning message dialog doesn't display when leaving a working task @lndanh-axonivy (#882)
- IVYPORTAL-16449 Fix warning fileUpload primefaces LE @ntloc-axonivy (#891)
- IVYPORTAL-17182 Session times out silently @ntloc-axonivy (#855)
- IVYPORTAL-17088 Bug: Endless loading after reset password @lttung-axonivy (#826)
- IVYPORTAL-16411 Performance issue when filtering a list users by role @lndanh-axonivy (#827)
📄 Documentation
- IVYPORTAL-17988 Try to migrate + add migration notes about resize col… @mnhnam-axonivy (#1259)
- IVYPORTAL-18011 Create accessibility documentation @lndanh-axonivy (#1231)
- IVYPORTAL-17540 Implement column width changing for portal widgets @lndanh-axonivy (#1140)
- IVYPORTAL-17431 Remove document Express from Portal @ntloc-axonivy (#1072)
- IVYPORTAL-17427 Remove old statistics document @ntloc-axonivy (#1041)
- IVYPORTAL-16657 Deactivate Dashboard Widget Icons Info & Extend LE @lmluat-axonivy (#863)
- IVYPORTAL-16222 Rework Business Case Details Documentation @nhthinh-axonivy (#817)
- IVYPORTAL-16878 New Statistics Documentation & GUI Test @lmluat-axonivy (#785)
Full Changelog: 10.0.23...10.0.24
Full Changelog: 11.3.0...11.3.1