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Merge pull request #514 from axonivy-market/feature/XIVY-13085_add_no…
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Feature/XIVY-13085 add business notification demo
  • Loading branch information
weissreto authored Feb 23, 2024
2 parents ff7b2b3 + 9dffa34 commit 48a8cb4
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Showing 30 changed files with 1,147 additions and 18 deletions.
77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions workflow/workflow-demos-test/src_test/test/bpm/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
package test.bpm;

import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

import ch.ivyteam.ivy.bpm.engine.client.BpmClient;
import ch.ivyteam.ivy.bpm.engine.client.element.BpmElement;
import ch.ivyteam.ivy.bpm.engine.client.element.BpmProcess;
import ch.ivyteam.ivy.bpm.exec.client.IvyProcessTest;
import ch.ivyteam.ivy.environment.Ivy;
import ch.ivyteam.ivy.notification.impl.NotificationRepository;
import ch.ivyteam.ivy.notification.query.NotificationQuery;
import ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.Tuple;
import ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.CaseState;
import workflow.order.Order;
import workflow.order.Person;

public class TestOrder
private static final BpmProcess ORDER_PROCESS ="OrderProcess");

private static final BpmElement START_ORDER = ORDER_PROCESS.elementName("startOrder");
private static final BpmElement INPUT_ORDER = ORDER_PROCESS.elementName("Input Order");
private static final BpmElement PROCESS_ORDER = ORDER_PROCESS.elementName("Process Order");
private static final BpmElement DELIVER_ORDER = ORDER_PROCESS.elementName("Deliver Order");
private static final BpmElement SEND_INVOICE = ORDER_PROCESS.elementName("Send Invoice");
private static final BpmElement BOOK_PAYMENT = ORDER_PROCESS.elementName("Book Payment");

private static final Person CUSTOMER = new Person();
private static final Order ORDER = new Order();

ORDER.setProduct("Ferrari Testarossa");

void runProcess(BpmClient bpmClient)

NotificationQuery nofiticationQuery = NotificationRepository.of(;
var notifications = nofiticationQuery.executor().count();

var result = bpmClient.start().process(START_ORDER)

assertThat(nofiticationQuery.executor().count()).isEqualTo(notifications + 9);

private void inputOrder(Tuple parameters, Tuple results)
results.set("customer", CUSTOMER);
results.set("order", ORDER);
catch (NoSuchFieldException ex)
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
<img class="logo" src="<%= ivy.branding.ref("logo_mail") %>"/>
<h1><%="/Notification/business/Templates/Order/Labels/Title") %></h1>
<p><%="/Notification/business/Templates/Order/Labels/Greeting") %> <%= ivy.session.getSessionUser().getFullName() %></p>
<th><%="/Notification/business/Templates/Order/Labels/Message") %><th>
<td><%= ivy.html.escape(message) %></td>
<th><%="/Notification/business/Templates/Order/Labels/Customer") %></th>
<td><i style="color: red;"> <%= ivy.html.escape(payload.get("surname")) %> <%= ivy.html.escape(payload.get("name")) %> </i></td>
35 changes: 27 additions & 8 deletions workflow/workflow-demos/cms/cms_de.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
cssIcon: si si-messages-bubble
name: 8. Notification
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -107,15 +111,14 @@ Dialogs:
selectParkingLot: Parkplatz auswählen
accepted: akzeptiert
confirmParkingLot: "<H1>\r\nHallo <>\r\n</H1>\r\n<P>\r\nDer Parkplatz Nr. <%=in.selectedParkingLotNr%> wurde für Sie reserviert. \r\n</P>\r\n<P>\r\nWir wünschen Ihnen einen schönen Tag.\r\n</P>\r\n"
confirmParkingLot: "<H1>\nHallo <>\n</H1>\n<P>\nDer Parkplatz Nr. <%=in.selectedParkingLotNr%> wurde für Sie reserviert. \n</P>\n<P>\nWir wünschen Ihnen einen schönen Tag.\n</P>\n"
declined: abgelehnt
parkingLotReservationHeader: Ihr Parkplatz wurde reserviert
procurementRequestNotification: "<H1>\r\nHallo <%=in.requester.fullName%> \r\n</H1>\r\n<P>\r\nIhr Antrag wurde <%=(in.accepted ? \"angenommen\" : \"abgelehnt\")%>: \r\n</P>\r\n<P>\r\n<%=in.amount%> Stück '<%=in.description%>' zum Gesamtpreis von <%=in.totalPrice%> <\"/Dialogs/procurementRequest/currencySymbol\"\
)%> \r\n</P>\r\n<P>\r\nFreundliche Grüsse \r\n</P>\r\n"
procurementRequestNotification: "<H1>\nHallo <%=in.requester.fullName%> \n</H1>\n<P>\nIhr Antrag wurde <%=(in.accepted ? \"angenommen\" : \"abgelehnt\")%>: \n</P>\n<P>\n<%=in.amount%> Stück '<%=in.description%>' zum Gesamtpreis von <%=in.totalPrice%> <\"/Dialogs/procurementRequest/currencySymbol\"\
)%> \n</P>\n<P>\nFreundliche Grüsse \n</P>\n"
senderMail: [email protected]
welcomeHeader: Willkommen
welcomeMail: "<H1>\r\nHallo <> \r\n</H1>\r\n<P>\r\nWillkommen in unserem Unternehmen. Wir freuen uns, Sie bei uns begrüssen zu dürfen! \r\n</P>\r\n<P>\r\nWenn Sie Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren Teamleiter oder an Ihren HR Manager. \r\n</P>\r\n<P>\r\nWir wünschen Ihnen einen schö\
nen Tag! \r\n</P>\r\n"
welcomeMail: "<H1>\nHallo <> \n</H1>\n<P>\nWillkommen in unserem Unternehmen. Wir freuen uns, Sie bei uns begrüssen zu dürfen! \n</P>\n<P>\nWenn Sie Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren Teamleiter oder an Ihren HR Manager. \n</P>\n<P>\nWir wünschen Ihnen einen schönen Tag! \n</P>\n"
yourRequestHasBeen: 'Ihre Anfrage wurde '
AdhocWorkflow: Beschreiben Sie Ihren Workflow
Expand All @@ -125,6 +128,19 @@ Labels:
InsertTheTask: Aufgabe einfügen
TaskUser-Explain: Komma getrennte Liste von Benutzern
title: Self Service Ad-Hoc Workflow
InvoiceSent: Die Rechnung für die Bestellung {0} wurde versendet
OrderDelivered: Bestellung {0} wurde an Kunde {1} {2} ausgeliefert
OrderFinished: Die Bestellung {0} wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen
Customer: Kunde
Greeting: 'Hallo '
Message: Meldung
Title: Bestellungsinformation
DeliverKeyCardDesc: Bitte liefern Sie die Schlüsselkarte aus für
acceptRequest: Antrag annehmen
Expand All @@ -138,8 +154,11 @@ TaskDescriptions:
verifyRequest: Prüfe Antrag
Adhoc-Explain: '<P> <B>Geben Sie Ihren Kommentar ein </B>und drücken Sie <B>Senden</B> um weiterzufahren. </P> '
AdhocWF-Explain: "<P>\r\nDefinieren und starten Sie einen Workflow auf Knopfdruck. \r\n</P>\r\n"
Approval-Explain: "<P>\r\n<B>Treffen Sie Ihre Entscheidung</B> und klicken Sie auf <B>Senden </B>um weiterzufahren. \r\n</P>\r\n"
QA-Explain: "<P>\r\nBeantworten Sie die Frage und <B>Senden </B>Sie Ihre Antwort an den Fragesteller zurück.\r\n</P>\r\n"
AdhocWF-Explain: "<P>\nDefinieren und starten Sie einen Workflow auf Knopfdruck. \n</P>\n"
Approval-Explain: "<P>\n<B>Treffen Sie Ihre Entscheidung</B> und klicken Sie auf <B>Senden </B>um weiterzufahren. \n</P>\n"
QA-Explain: |
Beantworten Sie die Frage und <B>Senden </B>Sie Ihre Antwort an den Fragesteller zurück.
QAresponse-Explain: '<P> Sie können eine Anschlussfrage <B>Zurücksenden</B> oder den Workflow <B>Beenden</B>.</P> '
ToDo-Explain: '<P> Bestätigen Sie, dass das <B> TODO Erledigt</B> wurde oder lehnen Sie es ab.</P> '
84 changes: 74 additions & 10 deletions workflow/workflow-demos/cms/cms_en.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ Categories:
cssIcon: si si-multiple-neutral-1
name: 2. Human Tasks
tooltip: How to integrate humans into workflows
cssIcon: si si-messages-bubble
name: 8. Notification
cssIcon: si si-network-signal
name: 3. Signals
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -138,14 +141,46 @@ Dialogs:
selectParkingLot: Select parking lot
accepted: accepted
confirmParkingLot: "<H1>\r\nHello <>\r\n</H1>\r\n<P>\r\nWe reserved the parking lot nr. <%=in.selectedParkingLotNr%> for you.\r\n</P>\r\n<P>\r\nHave a nice day.\r\n</P>\r\n"
confirmParkingLot: |
Hello <>
We reserved the parking lot nr. <%=in.selectedParkingLotNr%> for you.
Have a nice day.
declined: declined
parkingLotReservationHeader: Your parking lot has been reserved
procurementRequestNotification: "<H1>\r\nHello <%=in.requester.fullName%>\r\n</H1>\r\n<P>\r\nYour request has been <%=(in.accepted ? \"accepted\" : \"declined\")%>:\r\n</P>\r\n<P>\r\n<%=in.amount%> pieces of '<%=in.description%>' for a total of <%=in.totalPrice%> <\"/Dialogs/procurementRequest/currencySymbol\"\
)%>\r\n</P>\r\n<P>\r\nKind regards\r\n</P>\r\n"
procurementRequestNotification: |
Hello <%=in.requester.fullName%>
Your request has been <%=(in.accepted ? "accepted" : "declined")%>:
<%=in.amount%> pieces of '<%=in.description%>' for a total of <%=in.totalPrice%> <"/Dialogs/procurementRequest/currencySymbol")%>
Kind regards
senderMail: [email protected]
welcomeHeader: Welcome
welcomeMail: "<H1>\r\nHello <>\r\n</H1>\r\n<P>\r\nWelcome at our company. It is a great pleasure to have you here!\r\n</P>\r\n<P>\r\nIf you have any question, please don't hesitate to contact your teamleader or your HR Manager.\r\n</P>\r\n<P>\r\nHave a nice day!\r\n</P>\r\n"
welcomeMail: |
Hello <>
Welcome at our company. It is a great pleasure to have you here!
If you have any question, please don't hesitate to contact your teamleader or your HR Manager.
Have a nice day!
yourRequestHasBeen: Your request has been
AdhocWorkflow: Describe your Workflow
Expand All @@ -155,6 +190,23 @@ Labels:
InsertTheTask: Insert the task
TaskUser-Explain: Comma separated list of users
title: Self Service Ad-hoc Workflow
InvoiceSent: The invoice for order {0} was sent
OrderDelivered: Order {0} delivered to customer {1} {2}
OrderFinished: The order {0} successfully finished
Customer: Customer
Greeting: Hello
Message: Message
Title: Order Information
Subject: |-
<%= ivy.html.escape(message) %><br>
<%="/Notification/business/Templates/Order/Labels/Customer") %> <i style="color:red;"><%= ivy.html.escape(payload.get("surname")) %> <%= ivy.html.escape(payload.get("name")) %> </i>
AdHocDescription: 'Self Service Process: Launch an ad-hoc Workflow based on a predefined flow pattern.'
AdHocName: Ad-hoc Process
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,9 +246,21 @@ TaskDescriptions:
setupWorkstationDesc: 'Please set up the workstation for '
verifyRequest: Verify Request
Adhoc-Explain: "<P>\r\n<B>Enter your comment </B>and press <B>Send</B> to proceed the workflow.\r\n</P>\r\n"
AdhocWF-Explain: "<P>\r\nDefine and launch a Workflow at your fingertip: Select a flow pattern, add some tasks and start the Workflow. \r\n</P>\r\n<P>\r\n\r\n</P>\r\n"
Approval-Explain: "<P>\r\n<B>Enter your decision</B> and press <B>Send </B>to proceed the workflow.\r\n</P>\r\n"
QA-Explain: "<P>\r\nAnswer the question and <B>Send </B>your answer back to the caller. \r\n</P>\r\n"
QAresponse-Explain: "<P>\r\nYou can <B>Send</B> back a follow-up question or <B>Finish</B> the Workflow.\r\n</P>\r\n"
ToDo-Explain: "<P>\r\nConfirm that the<B> TODO </B>is <B>Done</B> or decline it.\r\n</P>\r\n"
Adhoc-Explain: |
<B>Enter your comment </B>and press <B>Send</B> to proceed the workflow.
AdhocWF-Explain: "<P>\nDefine and launch a Workflow at your fingertip: Select a flow pattern, add some tasks and start the Workflow. \n</P>\n<P>\n\n</P>\n"
Approval-Explain: |
<B>Enter your decision</B> and press <B>Send </B>to proceed the workflow.
QA-Explain: "<P>\nAnswer the question and <B>Send </B>your answer back to the caller. \n</P>\n"
QAresponse-Explain: |
You can <B>Send</B> back a follow-up question or <B>Finish</B> the Workflow.
ToDo-Explain: |
Confirm that the<B> TODO </B>is <B>Done</B> or decline it.
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions workflow/workflow-demos/config/roles.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,4 +29,16 @@
<identifier>Executive Manager</identifier>
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions workflow/workflow-demos/config/users.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
<role>IT Manager</role>
<role>Office Manager</role>
<role>Executive Manager</role>
Expand All @@ -41,6 +42,7 @@
<fullName>James Bond</fullName>
<emailAddress>[email protected]</emailAddress>
<role>Office Manager</role>
Expand All @@ -53,5 +55,6 @@
<fullName>Benjamin Franklin</fullName>
<emailAddress>[email protected]</emailAddress>
<role>Executive Manager</role>
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Order #class
workflow.order #namespace
product String #field
product PERSISTENT #fieldModifier
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
OrderData #class
workflow.order #namespace
customer workflow.order.Person #field
customer PERSISTENT #fieldModifier
order workflow.order.Order #field
order PERSISTENT #fieldModifier
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Person #class
workflow.order #namespace
name String #field
name PERSISTENT #fieldModifier
surname String #field
surname PERSISTENT #fieldModifier

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