This is a sample IOT broker application demo program to demonstrate below mentioned IOT Security options.
- User Id/Password authentication
- One time password(OTP) authentication
- Server unique id authentication
- Message payload authentication
Following steps should be followed to run the program.
- Please download the broker application, compile and run AppTest file as a java program. Detailed steps for configuring and executing the broker app are given in the readme file of broker app.
- Download the DeviceSimulatorDemo codebase(from and import in eclipse(or similar IDEs) as a JAVA program(Java 8 is needed to run it). Jars from lib folder should be added in the classpath.
- Update DeviceConfig/device.conf file with respective Watson IOT Platform settings and security options. Security options should be in sync with Broker app security options(example - if OTP is enabledin device app then it should be enabled in broker app as well).
- Run the class program to get the starting menu.