To run the App Please follow the following instructions :
1 - Edit the connection string in
- Blog.Web appsettings.json
- Blog.Security appsettings.json
- Blog.Security/Infrastructure/DBContext/PersistedGrantDbContextFactory.cs
2 - Update Database Migrations As Follow :
For Blog.Web => Set Blog.DataModel as StartUp Project => From Command Line
- Update-Database
For Blog.Security => Set Blog.Security.Infrastructure as a StartUp Project => From Command Line
Update-Database -Context BlogIdentityDbContext
Update-Database -Context PersistedGrantDbContext
3 - Get Token For JWT from /connect/token [Post] [ContentType: application/x-www-form-urlencoded] with the following Body:
* client_id=Blog
* client_secret=BlogSecret
* grant_type=password
* [email protected]
* password=P@ssw0rd
4 - Send the JWT Returned from step 3 with each Api Call as Authorization Header Bearer
- run Blog.Web => /index.html to check all the Apis using Swagger
- run Blog.Web => /Notification/PostNotification to check Notification when adding a Blog Post