Simple Plugin to monitor states from zustand.
How install a project:
yarn add
npm i --save
How use? Go to file "Reactotron.config.js" or your config reactotron from project, is similar to this file:
import reactotronZustand from "reactotron-plugin-zustand";
Reactotron.setAsyncStorageHandler(AsyncStorage) // AsyncStorage would either come from `react-native` or `@react-native-community/async-storage` depending on where you get it from
name: 'Name Project',
}) // controls connection & communication settings
.useReactNative() // add all built-in react native plugins
//add this line 🙌
stores: [
{ name: 'app', zustand: useApp },
{ name: 'authentication', zustand: useAuth },
) // plus some custom made plugin.
.connect(); // let's connect!
In case , i use two stores: "useApp" and "useAuth", each your stores should has fields "name" & "zustand"
name = name of store, this is show on reactotron
zustand = your store

Don't forget to add the observers!

You can watch states by individual or all state using: "*", "root" , "all"