About the project
The Travel Package Purchase Prediction dataset on Kaggle. It contains data on travel package purchases by tourists. The goal of the project is to use this data to build a machine learning model that can predict whether or not a tourist will purchase a travel package.
Goal of the project
The goal of the project is to build a machine learning model that can predict whether or not a tourist will purchase a travel package. The specific objectives of the project are to:
- Identify the most important factors that influence travel package purchases.
- Build a machine learning model that can predict travel package purchases with high accuracy.
- Use the model to identify tourists who are likely to purchase travel packages.
Columns of the data
The dataset contains the following columns:
- CustomerID: The unique ID of the customer.
- ProdTaken: Whether or not the customer purchased a travel package (1 = yes, 0 = no).
- Age: The age of the customer.
- TypeofContact: How the customer was contacted (Company Invited or Self Inquiry).
- CityTier: The tier of the city where the customer lives (Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3).
- DurationOfPitch: The duration of the sales pitch in minutes.
- Occupation: The customer's occupation.
- Gender: The customer's gender.
- NumberOfPersonVisiting: The number of people who will be visiting with the customer.
- NumberOfFollowups: The number of times the customer was followed up with after the sales pitch.
- ProductPitched: The type of travel package that was pitched to the customer.
- PreferredPropertyStar: The preferred star rating of the hotel property by the customer.
- MaritalStatus: The customer's marital status.
- NumberOfTrips: The average number of trips taken by the customer per year.
- Passport: Whether or not the customer has a passport.
- PitchSatisfactionScore: The customer's satisfaction score for the sales pitch (1-5).
- OwnCar: Whether or not the customer owns a car.
- NumberOfChildrenVisiting: The number of children who will be visiting with the customer.
- Designation: The customer's designation in their current organization.
- MonthlyIncome: The customer's monthly income.