Additional layer to online security for security enhancement
Last Modified: 17-11-2021 Ayanda Mdluli [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Demo Links: Reciever Page: Transmitter Page:
Video Demo will be posted early December/Late November
This is a web based application, to test it you need a working server and upload the web files into your panel. Database tables are exported and saved in Database folder, you can actually import to your server easily. it might not work propery in local server like trying to run from your PC direct.
I used Hostinger as a host(not free, but affordable), you can also use free host like hosting)
MATLAB code, is provided in these files, including the .wav exported from the transmitted and captured waveforms, any MATLAB version can generated the Time Domain waveform from the .wav files.
Easy To Use
First Time User: You need to sign up, the PIN will be sent to your email with further instructions for Login at Transmitter side which will just require the username provided and the PIN recieved on email.
Then Login at Reciever side using the username and the password created. the seonds pages will pop out and then you have to grant the microphone permission at reciever side and hit grant access then hit play button at transmitter side the signal will play which determines your identity or the ownership of the account bieng used to login, login fail attempts at this stage counts and matters.