Education-Course This document describes the project assignment for the ASP.NET MVC course
Project Description Education Course it's a analog of coursera.
The application should have:
public part (accessible without authentication) private part (available for registered users) administrative part (available for administrators only) Public Part The public part of project should be visible without authentication.
This public part could be the application start page, the user login and user registration forms, as well as the public data of the users, e.g. list of courses in main page, the search by jquery, courses shown by related category, etc.
Private Part (Users only) Registered users should have private part in the web application accessible after successful login.
This part could hold for example the user's profiles management functionality, the user's add course to his profile etc.
Administration Part System administrators should have administrative access to the system and permissions to administer all major information objects in the system, e.g. to create/edit/delete users and other administrators, to edit/delete courses, to edit/delete categories, to edit/delete instructors etc.
General Requirements Your Web application should use the following technologies, frameworks and development techniques:
Used ASP.NET MVC and Visual Studio 2019 You may use any JavaScript library of your choice Used sections and partial views Used editor and/or display templates Used MS SQL Server as database back-end Used Entity Framework 6 to access your database Created tables with data with server-side paging and searching for every model entity Created beautiful and responsive UI You may use Bootstrap or Materialize You may change the standard theme and modify it to apply own web design and visual styles Not used the standard ASP.NET Identity System for managing users and roles Your registered users should have at least one of the two roles: user and administrator Applied error handling and data validation to avoid crashes when invalid data is entered (both client-side and server-side) Handled correctly the special HTML characters and tags like <script>, , etc. Created unit tests for your "business" functionality