This is a site, with news automatic scraped from other sites.
Structured as:
- Fronted
- Backend
- Nginx
All of these structures are inside containers that will be deployed at Amazon EC2 machine with docker
All containers' images used are based on the alpine version, aiming the minimum container size and resources consumption at the final deploy.
The core is based in Django
and Django REST Framework
communicating with a postgresql database
(on Amazon RDS). In the top of it we have gunicorn
a Python WSGI HTTP Server that will receive and process the requests from a nginx
web server.
Django and gunicorn will run inside a container named backend
, listening at port 8000 exposed only locally inside docker network.
The nginx web server will run inside a container named nginx
, and will listen in port 8080 in its container and binded to the host (Amazon EC2 machine) port 8080. It is also responsible for serving static and media files.
There is also a background_task
running a crawler
builded with scrapy
to crawl news from TechCrunch and FoxNews periodically.
Use React and Atomic Design architecture, requesting data from backend
to perform client side rendering of it.
Running inside a container named frontend
and listening at port 80 binded to host port 80.
This container is a nginx container that serves files generated with yarn build
Running database on Amazon RDS. Uses PostgreSQL 11.6.
To run in development mode is needed to have git
, docker
and docker-compose
installed and follow these steps:
git clone
cd news-scraping
mv frontend/.example.env frontend/.env
Set API_URL=http://localhost:8000/v1/ in frontend/.env
mv backend/src/app/local.example.env backend/src/app/local.env
Set DJANGO_DEBUG=True, ENV=development and configure database connection.
docker-compose -f backend/docker-compose.yml build
docker-compose -f backend/docker-compose.yml up
Open another terminal and navigate to bruno-marques-fullstack/fronted folder and run
yarn dev
To run this project is needed to have git
and docker
installed and follow these steps:
git clone
cd bruno-marques-fullstack
mv frontend/.example.env frontend/.env
mv backend/src/app/local.example.env backend/src/app/local.env
chmod +x
If you want to run a local database for test porpouses, you can run
docker run -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -e POSTGRES_DB=app -p 5432:5432 library/postgres
and set:
change LAN_IP by your local ip.