Small and lightning fast markdown parser and renderer.
We try to comply with CommonMark.
To install it with npm, simply use the following command
npm i typed
- Headings
- Bold
**bold text**
- Italics
*italicized text*
- Blockquote
> blockquote
- Unordered List
- 1D
- Nested
- Ordered List
- Inline Code
- Horizontal Rule
- Link
- Image

- Table
- Code Block
- Footnote
- Heading ID
### My Great Heading {#custom-id}
- Definition List
- Strikethrough
~~The world is flat.~~
- Task List
- Emoji
That is funny! :joy:
- Highlight
I need to highlight these ==very important words==
- Subscript
- Superscript
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to
discuss what you would like to change.
Pleas make pull requests only to dev
This project is open source and available under the MIT License.