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Beta 11

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@egil egil released this 26 Oct 13:41
· 1694 commits to main since this release

[1.0.0-beta 11] - 2020-10-26

The following section list all changes in beta-11.

Big thanks to the contributors who helped with this release!


List of new features.

  • Two new overloads to the RenderFragment() and ChildContent() component parameter factory methods have been added that takes a RenderFragment as input. By @egil in #203.

  • Added a ComponentParameterCollection type. The ComponentParameterCollection is a collection of component parameters, that knows how to turn those components parameters into a RenderFragment, which will render a component and pass any parameters inside the collection to that component. That logic was spread out over multiple places in bUnit, and is now owned by the ComponentParameterCollection type. By @egil in #203.

  • Added additional placeholder services for NavigationManager, HttpClient, and IStringLocalizer, to make it easier for users to figure out why a test is failing due to missing service registration before rendering a component. By @joro550 in #223.

  • Added Key class that represents a keyboard key and helps to avoid constructing KeyboardEventArgs object manually. The key can be passed to KeyPress, KeyDown, or KeyUp helper methods to raise keyboard events. The Key class provides static special keys or can be obtained from character or string. Keys can be combined with key modifiers: Key.Enter + Key.Alt.

    For example, this makes it easier to trigger keyboard events on an element:

    var cut = ctx.RenderComponent<ComponentWithKeyboardEvents>();
    var element = cut.Find("input");
    element.KeyDown(Key.Enter + Key.Control); // Triggers onkeydown event with Ctrl + Enter
    element.KeyUp(Key.Control + Key.Shift + 'B'); // Triggers onkeyup event with Ctrl + Shift  + B
    element.KeyPress('1'); // Triggers onkeypress event with key 1
    element.KeyDown(Key.Alt + "<"); // Triggers onkeydown event with Alt + <

    By @duracellko in #101.

  • Added support for registering/adding components to a test context root render tree, which components under test is rendered inside. This allows you to simplify the "arrange" step of a test when a component under test requires a certain render tree as its parent, e.g. a cascading value.

    For example, to pass a cascading string value foo to all components rendered with the test context, do the following:

    ctx.RenderTree.Add<CascadingValue<string>>(parameters => parameters.Add(p => p.Value, "foo"));
    var cut = ctx.RenderComponent<ComponentReceivingFoo>();

    By @egil in #236.

  • Added "catch-all" Setup method to bUnit's mock JS runtime, that allows you to specify only the type when setting up a planned invocation. By @nemesv in #234.


List of changes in existing functionality.

  • The ComponentParameterBuilder has been renamed to ComponentParameterCollectionBuilder, since it now builds the ComponentParameterCollection type, introduced in this release of bUnit. By @egil in #203.

  • ComponentParameterCollectionBuilder now allows adding cascading values that is not directly used by the component type it targets. This makes it possible to add cascading values to children of the target component. By @egil in #203.

  • The Add(object) has been replaced by AddCascadingValue(object) in ComponentParameterCollectionBuilder, to make it more clear that an unnamed cascading value is being passed to the target component or one of its child components. It is also possible to pass unnamed cascading values using the Add(parameterSelector, value) method, which now correctly detect if the selected cascading value parameter is named or unnamed. By @egil in #203.

  • It is now possible to call the Add(), AddChildContent() methods on ComponentParameterCollectionBuilder, and the factory methods RenderFragment(), ChildContent(), and Template(), multiple times for the same parameter, if it is of type RenderFragment or RenderFragment<TValue>. Doing so previously would either result in an exception or just the last passed RenderFragment to be used. Now all the provided RenderFragment or RenderFragment<TValue> will be combined at runtime into a single RenderFragment or RenderFragment<TValue>.

    For example, this makes it easier to pass e.g. both a markup string and a component to a ChildContent parameter:

    var cut = ctx.RenderComponent<Component>(parameters => parameters
      .AddChildContent("<h1>Below you will find a most interesting alert!</h1>")
      .AddChildContent<Alert>(childParams => childParams
        .Add(p => p.Heading, "Alert heading")
        .Add(p => p.Type, AlertType.Warning)
        .AddChildContent("<p>Hello World</p>")

    By @egil in #203.

  • All test doubles are now in the same namespace, Bunit.TestDoubles. So all import statements for Bunit.TestDoubles.JSInterop and Bunit.TestDoubles.Authorization must be changed to Bunit.TestDoubles. By @egil in #223.

  • Marked MarkupMatches methods as assertion methods to stop SonarSource analyzers complaining about missing assertions in tests. By @egil in #229.

  • AddTestAuthorization now extends TestContext instead of TestServiceProvider, and also automatically adds the CascadingAuthenticationState component to the root render tree. @egil in #237.


List of now removed features.

  • The async event dispatcher helper methods have been removed (e.g. ClickAsync()), as they do not provide any benefit. If you have an event that triggers async operations in the component under test, instead use cut.WaitForState() or cut.WaitForAssertion() to await the expected state in the component.


List of any bug fixes.

  • Using the ComponentParameterCollectionBuilder's Add(p => p.Param, value) method to add a unnamed cascading value didn't create an unnnamed cascading value parameter. By @egil in #203. Credits to Ben Sampica (@benjaminsampica) for reporting and helping investigate this issue.
  • Triggered events now bubble correctly up the DOM tree and triggers other events of the same type. This is a potentially breaking change, since this changes the behaviour of event triggering and thus you might see tests start breaking as a result hereof. By @egil in #119.