Community-led Asset Management. Powered by DeFi.
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git clone
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Compile contracts
yarn compile
⛽️ Gas Report
yarn gas-report
🛡 Coverae
yarn coverage
🤖 Prettier
yarn prettier
💪 Solhint
yarn lint:contracts
📏 Contract Size
yarn estimate-size
🧪 Test
To run unit tests
yarn test:unit
To run integartion tests
yarn test:integration
To run fast integration tests (recommended)
yarn test:integration:fast
Or watch test 👁
yarn test:watch
To deploy SCs you need to have .env
file configured for the selected network, e.g., mainnet
The file should have the following entries.
For non-upgradeable contracts use named scripts from the deployments/migrations/
folder, e.g., 040-univ2-trade.js
would deploy UniswapV2TradeIntegration
. To invoke the script use the following command.
npx hardhat deploy --network mainnet --tags UniV2Trade
value can be found inside a deployment script.
To deploy a new implementation for an upgradeable contract use deploy-contract.js
script, e.g., to deploy a new
implementation for the Strategy contract use the following command:
npx hardhat deploy-contract --contract StrategyV16 --network mainnet
is the name of the new implementation.
To auto-deploy a contract use a simple bash script which will try until it succeeds.
while ! npx hardhat deploy-contract --contract StrategyV16 --network mainnet; do echo 'Trying to deploy
again 🤖'; done; echo 'Deployed 🚀';
command supports passing arguments to the contract constructor. You can use deployments names instead
of the addresses. This feature requires using the dx{contractName}
notation, e.g.:
npx hardhat deploy-contract --contract BabylonViewer --network mainnet dxBabControllerProxy
npx hardhat deploy-contract --contract AddLiquidityOperation --network mainnet lp dxBabControllerProxy
To upgrade Babylon Protocol use upgrade-multisig.js
script. It will create a batch tx for Gnosis Multisig to upgrade
all the proxies in the protocol. The command bellow upgrades BabController, RewardsDistributor, Strategy, and Garden to
the appropriate implementations. The implementations have to be deployed beforehand using deploy-contrat
npx hardhat upgrade-multisig --network mainnet --controller BabControllerV11 --distributor RewardsDistributorV11 --strategy StrategyV14 --garden GardenV15
All the arguments are optional meaning only required proxies should be upgraded.
The list of options for upgrade is the following:
- controller
- distributor
- garden
- assistant
- strategy
- curve
- oracle
- buy
- liquidity
- deposit
- lend
- tradeCurve
- tradeUniV3
- tradeSynth
- tradeUniV2
An example of the command:
npx hardhat upgrade-multisig --network mainnet --curve CurveMetaRegistry --oracle PriceOracle --trade-curve CurveTradeIntegration --liquidity AddLiquidityOperation
This script will create a proposal at Defender Admin. It has to be signed and executed to upgrade the protocol.
npx hardhat fuse --network mainnet
Gets Fuse positions stats of Heart and Heart garden.
npx hardhat aave 0x371b23eedb1a5e3822aacff906187111a91fae88 --network mainnet
Gets Aave positions stats of provided accounts. Many accounts can be provided at once.