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Change CI to use local version of Rust #84

Change CI to use local version of Rust

Change CI to use local version of Rust #84

GitHub Actions / test results failed Oct 14, 2023 in 0s

1 fail, 41 pass in 1m 15s

42 tests  ±0   41 ✔️  - 1   1m 15s ⏱️ +6s
14 suites ±0     0 💤 ±0 
  1 files   ±0     1 +1 

Results for commit 212ba34. ± Comparison against earlier commit 0a75b3c.


Check warning on line 0 in Elixir.AdventureRegistrations.Integration.Teams

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / test results

test the table is hidden when empty (Elixir.AdventureRegistrations.Integration.Teams) failed

registrations/_build/test/lib/adventure_registrations/test-junit-report.xml [took 5s]
Raw output
exit: {{%RuntimeError{message: "could not create a new session: timeout, check webdriver is running"}, [{Hound.SessionServer, :create_session, 2, [file: 'lib/hound/session_server.ex', line: 101]}, {Hound.SessionServer, :handle_call, 3, [file: 'lib/hound/session_server.ex', line: 78]}, {:gen_server, :try_handle_call, 4, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 715]}, {:gen_server, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 744]}, {:proc_lib, :init_p_do_apply, 3, [file: 'proc_lib.erl', line: 226]}]}, {GenServer, :call, [Hound.SessionServer, {:change_session, #PID<0.1132.0>, :default, []}, 60000]}}
  4) test the table is hidden when empty (AdventureRegistrations.Integration.Teams)
     ** (exit) exited in:, {:change_session, #PID<0.1132.0>, :default, []}, 60000)
         ** (EXIT) an exception was raised:
             ** (RuntimeError) could not create a new session: timeout, check webdriver is running
                 (hound 1.1.1) lib/hound/session_server.ex:101: Hound.SessionServer.create_session/2
                 (hound 1.1.1) lib/hound/session_server.ex:78: Hound.SessionServer.handle_call/3
                 (stdlib 3.14.2) gen_server.erl:715: :gen_server.try_handle_call/4
                 (stdlib 3.14.2) gen_server.erl:744: :gen_server.handle_msg/6
                 (stdlib 3.14.2) proc_lib.erl:226: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3
       (elixir 1.14.0) lib/gen_server.ex:1038:
       test/integration/teams_test.exs:15: AdventureRegistrations.Integration.Teams.__ex_unit_setup_4/1
       test/integration/teams_test.exs:1: AdventureRegistrations.Integration.Teams.__ex_unit__/2

Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / test results

42 tests found

There are 42 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
Elixir.AdventureRegistrations.ClandestineRendezvous.Integration.Questions ‑ test registering
Elixir.AdventureRegistrations.Integration.Admin ‑ test admin can build teams
Elixir.AdventureRegistrations.Integration.Admin ‑ test admin can view team JSON
Elixir.AdventureRegistrations.Integration.Admin ‑ test logging in as an admin
Elixir.AdventureRegistrations.Integration.Admin ‑ test non-admins cannot access the user list or messages
Elixir.AdventureRegistrations.Integration.Messages ‑ test a message is sent to all registrants with their team information summarised
Elixir.AdventureRegistrations.Integration.Messages ‑ test a message with show team enabled shows the actual team information instead of their details
Elixir.AdventureRegistrations.Integration.Messages ‑ test message sender name/address can be overridden
Elixir.AdventureRegistrations.Integration.Messages ‑ test the backlog of existing messages is sent to a new registrant after the welcome
Elixir.AdventureRegistrations.Integration.Registrations ‑ test changing password
Elixir.AdventureRegistrations.Integration.Registrations ‑ test delete account
Elixir.AdventureRegistrations.Integration.Registrations ‑ test forgot password
Elixir.AdventureRegistrations.Integration.Registrations ‑ test logging in
Elixir.AdventureRegistrations.Integration.Registrations ‑ test registering
Elixir.AdventureRegistrations.Integration.Registrations ‑ test when registration is closed, a warning is displayed on the registration and details routes
Elixir.AdventureRegistrations.Integration.Teams ‑ test teams are negotiable
Elixir.AdventureRegistrations.Integration.Teams ‑ test the table is hidden when empty
Elixir.AdventureRegistrations.Integration.Teams ‑ test visiting the details page redirects to login when there is no session
Elixir.AdventureRegistrations.Integration.Teams ‑ test when confirmation-requesting is enabled, show and require the fields
Elixir.AdventureRegistrations.Integration.UnmnemonicDevices.Admin ‑ test admin can create and update settings
Elixir.AdventureRegistrations.Integration.UnmnemonicDevices.Admin ‑ test non-admins cannot access the user list or messages
Elixir.AdventureRegistrations.PageControllerTest ‑ test GET /
Elixir.AdventureRegistrations.UnmnemonicDevices.Integration.Home ‑ test a logged-in user can generate a voicepass
Elixir.AdventureRegistrations.UnmnemonicDevices.Integration.Home ‑ test head tags are correct
Elixir.AdventureRegistrations.UnmnemonicDevices.Integration.Home ‑ test overlay shows voicepass when it exists
Elixir.AdventureRegistrations.UnmnemonicDevices.Integration.Home ‑ test pi does not show by default
Elixir.AdventureRegistrations.UnmnemonicDevices.Integration.Home ‑ test pi shows when compromised but cannot create a voicepass when not logged in
Elixir.AdventureRegistrations.UnmnemonicDevices.Integration.Questions ‑ test registering
Elixir.AdventureRegistrationsWeb.ErrorViewTest ‑ test render 500.html
Elixir.AdventureRegistrationsWeb.ErrorViewTest ‑ test render any other
Elixir.AdventureRegistrationsWeb.ErrorViewTest ‑ test renders 404.html
Elixir.AdventureRegistrationsWeb.MessageTest ‑ test changeset with invalid attributes
Elixir.AdventureRegistrationsWeb.MessageTest ‑ test changeset with valid attributes
Elixir.AdventureRegistrationsWeb.TeamFinderTest ‑ test finds mutuals and users proposing teaming up
Elixir.AdventureRegistrationsWeb.TeamFinderTest ‑ test finds users from emails
Elixir.AdventureRegistrationsWeb.TeamFinderTest ‑ test no overlap means relationships are empty
Elixir.AdventureRegistrationsWeb.TeamFinderTest ‑ test the relationships being only mutuals is flagged
Elixir.AdventureRegistrationsWeb.TeamTest ‑ test changeset with invalid attributes
Elixir.AdventureRegistrationsWeb.TeamTest ‑ test changeset with valid attributes
Elixir.AdventureRegistrationsWeb.UserTest ‑ test candidate voicepasses exclude ones with overlapping prefixes
Elixir.AdventureRegistrationsWeb.UserTest ‑ test changeset with invalid attributes
Elixir.AdventureRegistrationsWeb.UserTest ‑ test changeset with valid attributes