Main Author: Zhang Huaqiao Copyright © 2017-2018 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This repository will stop updating, please move to the following repository! (本仓库不再更新,所有更新都在EdgeXFoundry官方仓库!下面是链接。)
EdgeX Foundry local gateway devices management platform
- After the user runs the EdgeX Foundry,they often do not know what to do next,the console will help users to quickly use and understand EdgeX Foundry.
- For developers to test, they don't have to assemble complex JSON data in order to add a device,etc.
- javascript
- css
- html
- jquery
- bootstrap
- awesome font lib
- Echarts
use netflix zuul proxy technology
#there will be dynamic revserse proxy,don't hard-code config there if you want to manage multi-gateway
- copy the docker-files folder to your host.
- the administrator account is admin/admin,you can custom account in file before you start the app.
Under the docker-files folder,execute the following command:
java -jar -Dspring.config.location=./ simple-edgex-foundry-console.jar &
then enter the http://your_host:4000 in the browser
or you can pull the whole project to your Eclipse IDE(Recommend STS IDE).
- the CRUD of Device,Device Service,Device Profile,Export Register,Rule Engine.
- Gateway(multi-instances)management sharing one web UI.
- Gateway instance CRUD with h2-database(a memory DB,will be placed with persistence DB further.)
- user login auth.
- user choose one gateway instance before operating other function module.
- all data from EdgeX Foundry can be showed in json formatter,which will be useful for developer.
- Export Registration data can be previewed.
- Will be supported to run in docker
- Google Map Location to manage multi-gateway instance.
- camera device Living Stream Rendering on web console.
- Gradually improve other functions