A minimal electron app using webpack, TypeScript & React.
This project is a work in progress and is based on electron-webpack-quick-start with support for TypeScript, React and command-line options!
Check out electron-webpack
's documentation
for more details.
Simply clone down this repository, install dependencies, and get started on your application.
The use of the yarn package manager is strongly
recommended, as opposed to using npm
Open the terminal and run the following commands:
# copy template using git clone
git clone https://github.com/badersur/miniapp
# change current directory to miniapp
cd miniapp
# install dependencies
# run application in development mode
yarn dev
# compile source code and create webpack output
yarn compile
# compile & create "unpacked" build for current operating system
yarn dir # or yarn run pack
# create "production" build for current operating system
yarn build
# compile & create a production build for "current" operating system
yarn dist:os
# compile & create a production build for "all" supported systems
yarn dist
This app is mainly based on:
- electron-userland/electron-webpack-quick-start: d3a683e...master
and I may add extra features from:
sindresorhus/electron-boilerplate: 2203d19...master
loopmode/react-desktop: 8003675...master