Slow down your Cypress tests
Watch the introduction to this plugin in the video Slow Down Cypress Tests. For advanced usage, see the lessons in my Cypress Plugins course.
Add this NPM package to your project
# install using NPM
$ npm i -D cypress-slow-down
# or install using Yarn
$ yarn add -D cypress-slow-down
Include the plugin and call its function from your spec or support file
// cypress/e2e/
import { slowCypressDown } from 'cypress-slow-down'
// slow down each command by the default amount
// which is 1 second
You can control the delay before each command (in milliseconds)
// when calling the slowCypressDown function
You can also control the delay using the Cypress environment variable commandDelay
// cypress.config.js
const { defineConfig } = require('cypress')
module.exports = defineConfig({
e2e: {
env: {
commandDelay: 500,
// cypress/e2e/
import { slowCypressDown } from 'cypress-slow-down'
slowCypressDown() // slows down each command by 500ms
You can set the optional logToConsole
parameter to false to prevent the plugin from logging each delay to the console.
slowCypressDown(1000, false)
You can disable the default slowdown by using false
. For example, from the command line you can pass the boolean value:
$ npx cypress run --env commandDelay=false
Or you can use the process (OS) environment variable
$ CYPRESS_commandDelay=false npx cypress run
Or you can use the cypress.config.js
to disable the slowdown
// cypress.config.js
const { defineConfig } = require('cypress')
module.exports = defineConfig({
e2e: {
env: {
commandDelay: false,
Because this plugin uses cypress-plugin-config to read the command delay option, you can change its value or disable the plugin completely from the DevTools console using the command Cypress.setPluginConfigValue('commandDelay', <value>)
The re-run the tests by pressing the key "R" or clicking "Run All Tests" button.
You can slow down a part of your test by using the custom dual commands cy.slowDown(ms)
and cy.slowDownEnd()
// your spec file
// cypress/e2e/
import { slowCypressDown } from 'cypress-slow-down'
// registers the cy.slowDown and cy.slowDownEnd commands
import 'cypress-slow-down/commands'
// must enable the plugin using slowCypressDown
// can disable the slow down by default or use some default delay
it('runs the middle part slowly', () => {
// these commands have 1 second delay
// back to the normal speed
Tip: to see how the commands are slowed down you can use the cypress-timestamps plugin.
Author: Gleb Bahmutov <[email protected]> © 2022
- @bahmutov
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- my Cypress courses
License: MIT - do anything with the code, but don't blame me if it does not work.
Support: if you find any problems with this module, email / tweet / open issue on Github