x264 jni for android
- Make sure you have the jcenter repository included in the
file in the root of your project:
repositories {
- Include the following in your module's
compile 'com.github.bakaoh:x264-android:X.X.X'
for the version X.X.X, see the project on Bintray.
- Create
X264Encoder encoder = new X264Encoder();
X264Params params = new X264Params();
params.width = 1280;
params.height = 720;
params.bitrate = 1000 * 1024;
params.fps = 25;
params.gop = params.fps * 2;
params.preset = "ultrafast";
params.profile = "baseline";
- Init encoder
X264InitResult initRs = encoder.initEncoder(params);
if (initRs.err == 0) {
// process initRs.sps, initRs.pps
- Encode frame
X264EncodeResult encodedFrame = encoder.encodeFrame(inputFrame, X264Params.CSP_NV21, presentationTimestamp);
if (encodedFrame.err == 0) {
// process encodedFrame.data
- Set the following environment variable:
X264_ANDROID_ROOT="<path to x264android checkout>"
- Download the Android NDK and set its location in an environment variable:
NDK_PATH="<path to Android NDK>"
- Fetch and build libx264.
cd "${X264_ANDROID_ROOT}/x264/src/main/cpp" && \
git clone http://git.videolan.org/git/x264.git libx264 && \
- Open project in Android Studio to build the JNI native libraries.