Auto installed git pre-commit hook for running PHP Code Sniffer code checking to PSR12 coding standard compliance. It checks only files that are to be committed.
Inspired by Enforce code standards with composer, git hooks, and phpcs and
Install balfour-group/phpcs-pre-commit-hook
with composer require command:
composer require "balfour-group/phpcs-pre-commit-hook"
Or alternatively, include a dependency for balfour-group/phpcs-pre-commit-hook
in your composer.json file manually:
"require-dev": {
"balfour-group/phpcs-pre-commit-hook": "dev-master"
To enable code sniff, аdd to post-install-cmd
and post-update-cmd
in composer.json
installation script:
"scripts": {
"post-install-cmd": [
"post-update-cmd": [
Then run composer install
or composer update
. pre-commit
hook will be installed or updated if it already exists.
Run git commit
and pre-commit hook will check your committed files like if you run
php phpcs.phar --standard=PSR12 --colors --encoding=utf-8 -n -p /path/to/file.php