This repository holds a personal script that I've developed for automating the initialization of my development environment.
Note: The script has been tested and validated on Ubuntu 22.04 and MacOS, but may not work as expected on other platforms.
make install/casks
This script is also used to create a devcontainer for my personal projects. Those images are pushed to Dockerhub.
Check out the Docker image:
make image/run
This pulls and runs the image interactively.
Download & Install Windows terminal. Use the .msixbundle
Install wsl2 with Ubuntu 22.04:
wsl --install -d Ubuntu-22.04
Create an username and password
wsl2: wsl -d Ubuntu-22.04
Navigate to the directory where you extracted the zip. Windows filesystem is mounted on /mnt/c/
(You are prompted for your password 2 times during installation) -
logout sign-in again
Set default profile in Windows terminal. Go to:
settings -> Startup -> Default profile
Install color scheme ( Open Windows terminal settings.json:
Arrow button -> settings -> gear icon bottom left
. Paste snazzy-scheme.json from in the schemes object. -
Set color scheme & font. Go to:
Select profile -> appearance -> Set color scheme to Snazzy -> Set font face to Cascadia Mono -> Set font size to 10
Select profile -> adanced -> Bell notification style -> turn everything off
Set keybindings. Open Windows terminal settings.json:
Arrow button -> settings -> gear icon bottom left
. Overwrite the 'actions' object with the 'actions' object from keybindings.json. -
Set background image.
Install oc in another user directory and add to path
Install mise in another user directory and add to path
Fix issue where aliasses and mise can't be found in Linux because it's written to bashrc instead of zshrc