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The purpose of :reactive_commons is to provide a set of abstractions and implementations over different patterns and practices that make the foundation of a reactive microservices' architecture.

Even though the main purpose is to provide such abstractions in a mostly generic way such abstractions would be of little use without a concrete implementation, so we provide some implementations in a best efforts' manner that aim to be easy to change, personalize and extend.

The first approach to this work was to release a very simple abstractions, and a corresponding implementation over asynchronous message driven communication between microservices build on top of amqp for RabbitMQ.

See more about this project at



elixir ~> 1.10


Releases are published at Hex, the package can be installed by adding reactive_commons to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:reactive_commons, "~> 0.1.0"}


Add MessageRuntime to your applications children passing the AsyncConfig parameter struct as arguments.

  async_config ="my-app-name")
  children = [
    {MessageRuntime, async_config},

Semantic Main Components Definition

There are three semantic structures:

  • DomainEvent This structure lets you represent an Event in the system. It accepts a name, any data that will be the information to transport for that event (should be JSON serializable), and an optional message_id.

  • Command Another basic structure is the Command. This structure lets you represent a Command in the system. It accepts a name, any data that will be the information to transport for that command (should be JSON serializable), and an optional command_id.

  • AsyncQuery Another basic structure is the AsyncQuery. This class lets you represent a Query in the system. It accepts a JSON serializable called data that will be the information for that query and a resource name for thw query.

There are three main modules:

  • HandlerRegistry
  • DomainEventBus
  • DirectAsyncGateway

These modules allow the next communication models:

  • DomainEvent emission through DomainEventBus and Event subscription with HandlerRegistry from any stakeholder.
  • Command emission through DirectAsyncGateway to a specific application target and handle this command from the target through HandlerRegistry.
  • AsyncQuery request through DirectAsyncGateway to a specific application target and handle this query from the target through HandlerRegistry.


This section describes the reactive API for producing and consuming messages using Reactive Commons

  1. Sending Domain Events, Commands and Async Queries

    1.1. Sending Commands

    @command_name "RegisterPerson"
    data = Person.new_sample() # any data map
    command =, data)
    :ok = DirectAsyncGateway.send_command(command, @target) # use any control structure to handle errors

    1.2. Sending Async Queries

    @query_path "GetPerson"
    data = PersonDataReq.new_sample() # any data map
    query =, data)
    {:ok, person} = DirectAsyncGateway.request_reply_wait(query, @target) # use any control structure to handle errors

    1.3. Sending Domain Events

    @event_name "PersonRegistered"
    data = PersonRegistered.new_sample() # any data map
    event =, data)
    :ok = DomainEventBus.emit(event) # use any control structure to handle errors {:emit_fail, error}

    See sample project for further details Sender

  2. Listening and handling for Domain Events, Commands and Async Queries

     defmodule QueryServer.SubsConfig do
         use GenServer
         @query_name "GetPerson"
         @command_name "RegisterPerson"
         @event_name "PersonRegistered"
         def start_link(_) do
           GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__)
         @impl true
         def init(_) do
           HandlerRegistry.serve_query(@query_name, &get_person/1) # serve a query, should pass query_name and the function which will handle the request.
           |> HandlerRegistry.handle_command(@command_name, &register_person/1) # listen for a command, should pass command_name and the function which will handle the command.
           |> HandlerRegistry.listen_event(@event_name, &person_registered/1) # listen for an event, should pass event_name and the function which will handle the event.
           |> HandlerRegistry.commit_config() # finally should commit the config to configure the listeners.
           {:ok, nil}
         # Sample functions (should be in a separated module)
         def get_person(%{} = request) do
           IO.puts "Handling async query #{inspect(request)}"
         def register_person(%{} = command) do
           IO.puts "Handling command #{inspect(command)}"
           event =, PersonRegistered.new_sample(command["data"]))
           :ok = DomainEventBus.emit(event)
         def person_registered(%{} = event) do
           IO.puts "Handling event #{inspect(event)}"

    See sample project for further details Receiver