My customized config for nvim-basic-ide. (source)
Make sure to remove or backup your current nvim
Remove-Item $env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim -Recurse -Force
git clone $env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim
Run nvim
and wait for the plugins to be installed
Open nvim
and enter the following:
Neovim node support (optional)
npm i -g neovim
scoop install main/ripgrep
NOTE make sure you have node installed, I recommend a node manager like fnm.
I recommend using the following repo to get a "Nerd Font" (Font that supports icons)
NOTE Go to to install your favorite nerd font.
NOTE rename the file lua/utils/init.sample.lua to init.lua
- You can add the lsp name in mason lsp block
-- lua/utils/init.lua
M.servers = {
"terraform_lsp" -- New LSP
- Manually install the binary of the lsp and put it in your path by downloading the binary or through your package manager. For terraform_lsp example
Make sure the formatter or linter is installed and add it to this setup function: null-ls
NOTE Some are already setup as examples, remove them if you want
You can install new plugins here: plugins
Heres the wiki for installing new plugins refer to this: wiki