🎓 I have recently completed my one-year, intensive Full-Stack Web Development (MERN) studies at DCI - Digital Career Institute.
💻 Skills:
- Frontend: React.js, JavaScript (ES6+), HTML5, CSS (SASS, Bootstrap, Tailwind), SAPUI5 (basics)
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js, PHP, MongoDB (Mongoose), MySQL (mysql2), RESTful APIs, EJS, ABAP (basics)
- State Management: Redux Toolkit
- Hosting & Server Management: CPanel, VPS Server Configuration
- Tools: Git, GitHub, NPM, Linux Terminal
- NPM Packages: axios, cors, bcrypt, dotenv, cookie-parser, jsonwebtoken, nodemailer, sanitize-html, validator, openai, react-google-recaptcha, react-router-dom, styled-components, and more.
🔍 I’m seeking a position as a web developer (frontend, backend, or fullstack).
📫 How to reach me:
- Email: [email protected]
- LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/barisbalciweb/